Data Protection
Data Protection
I now want to install the SnapCreator Agent on the same machine that I have the SnapCreator Server installed. Do I have to uninstall and reinstall??? Will all my files be erased???
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What operating system are you trying to run Snap Creator on?
If Linux this is very easy - you can just untar the file and copy the Snap Creator Agent directory wherever you like.
If this is Windows you will need to uninstall/reinstall.
For Windows I'd recommend following the upgrade documentation in the installation guide.
This will tell you how to backup all of the Snap Creator information so that you don't lose anything.
basically you will back up certain directories, uninstall, reinstall, stop services, copy over the files you backed up, then restart the services.
If you are not changing versions you don't need to run the upgrade command.
Hope this helps,
The Snap Creator Agent is usually installed on a different physical or virtual host from the Snap Creator Server, but both can be installed on the same host.
Refer Agent Interface on page 12
Select installation type Select Server. Both the Snap Creator Server and Agent can be installed at the same time if you want them both on the same system. refer page 21 on
What operating system are you trying to run Snap Creator on?
If Linux this is very easy - you can just untar the file and copy the Snap Creator Agent directory wherever you like.
If this is Windows you will need to uninstall/reinstall.
For Windows I'd recommend following the upgrade documentation in the installation guide.
This will tell you how to backup all of the Snap Creator information so that you don't lose anything.
basically you will back up certain directories, uninstall, reinstall, stop services, copy over the files you backed up, then restart the services.
If you are not changing versions you don't need to run the upgrade command.
Hope this helps,
It is windows so i had to do backups then uninstall and reinstall.