Snapvault Primary: ONTAP 9.1RC1
Snapvault Secondary: ONTAP 9.1
I have Snapmirror and Snapvault licenses installed on the snapvault primary cluster but have only snapmirror on the snapvault secondary cluster. I'd like to know: do I need to purchase a separate Snapvault license for the Secondary? ONTAP 8.2.2 7-mode "Data Protection Online Backup and Recovery Guide" ( says:
"In Data ONTAP 8.2 and later, a single SnapVault license is used for SnapVault primary and SnapVault secondary instead of two separate SnapVault licenses."
I undestand this is from the 8.2.2 7-mode guide but unless there were licensing changes after 8.2.2, I assume the above holds true for my ONTAP 9.1 environment, ie. only one SnapVault license is required for both primary and secondary?
Thank you.