Data Protection
Data Protection
I installed the CACHE plugin for Snapcreator and when i run a Backup or Just Discover it fails to Validate the Plugin
1 Action started!
2 ########## Agent validation ##########
3 Agent validation completed successfuly for agent
4 ########## Plugin validation ##########
5 Plugin validation file for plugin CACHE not found, skipping validation
6 Application auto discovery is not enabled skipping .
7 Validate volume is not enabled skipping validate volume task.
8 ########## Snap Creator Framework 4.0.0 finished successfully ##########
9 INFO: Snap Creator Framework finished successfully (Action: discover)
SnapCreator Version 4..0
Server and Agent Running on Same server - Redhat 5.4
I've placed the plugin under the Server plugin directory
[root@rh54ora11g CACHE]# ls -ltr
total 16
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 12703 Sep 16 2013
[root@rh54ora11g CACHE]# pwd
APP_NAME=CACHE is set in the Config file
and so are the other Config parameters.
Not sure, what I'm missing.
Did you restart the Snap Creator agent after copying the plugin here /usr/local/scServer4.0.0/plugins/CACHE ?
You may also try placing the files under the agent directory.
Please make user the case matches ( i CAPS)
Restarted Both Server and Agent.
Copied to scAgent directory as well. The lower case was from a latest update done about 19 days ago. In any case, i put in the original file which matches the case.
Still same issue.
[root@rh54ora11g CACHE]# pwd
[root@rh54ora11g CACHE]# ls -ltr
total 28
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8724 Sep 11 06:50
[root@rh54ora11g CACHE]# cd /usr/local/scAgent4.0.0/plugins/CACHE/
[root@rh54ora11g CACHE]# ls -lrt
total 12
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8724 Feb 7 2013
[root@rh54ora11g CACHE]#
Did you try a backup job?
Please send me a scdump if you can to sivar at