Data Protection
Data Protection
We are truing to use the SCCLI tool with Snapcentre to create some scripts to clone Oracle DBs. The guide does not indicate how to sign into Snapcentre silently but form tetsing it seems we cna use the -password option. There is also mention of a parameter named -TokenNeverExpires. When I use this and logon with my username/password a file is created in my home directory named .spl_token_store that contains a token. how to use this to logon?
Solved! See The Solution
TokenNerverExpires ensures cmdlet session is open until server is rebooted. For security reason NetApp do not recommend to use it. The file need not be used to establish any any new connections.
TokenNerverExpires ensures cmdlet session is open until server is rebooted. For security reason NetApp do not recommend to use it. The file need not be used to establish any any new connections.
OK thanks for the update! Good to know.