Data Protection

SMO 3.3 on AIX 6.1


Hi Fellas,

This is Ajay. Have installed SMO 3.3 on AIX 6.1 having oracle 11gR2. SMO 3.3 has been installed and configured as per the Best Practices guide. Snap Drive version used is 5.1. When I run the backup using SMO 3.3 GUI, I get the following errors. Backup is not happening. Getting a time out error when using snapdrive command.

Please help at the earliest as this PoC has to complete soon and this has to go to production

Please find the error for reference


--[ INFO] SMO-13036: Starting operation Backup Create on host prldbbp01

--[ INFO] SMO-13046: Operation GUID 8a95909a3f396be5013f396becfe0001 starting on Profile OSM01P_PROFILE

--[ INFO] SMO-22001: Started adding the Backup Create operation in history.

--[ INFO] SMO-07431: Saving starting state of the database: OSM01P(OPEN).

--[ INFO] SMO-07431: Saving starting state of the database: OSM01P(OPEN).

--[ INFO] SMO-07127: Locked database for SnapManager operations - created lock file "/home/app/oracle/product/OSM01P_dbbin1/dbs/.sm_lock_OSM01P" on host prldbbp01.

--[ INFO] SMO-02062: Included Archivelog Destinations /home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/recovery/arch.

--[ INFO] SMO-02063: Excluded Archivelog Destinations OSM02P.

--[ INFO] ORACLE-20000: Changing state for database instance OSM01P from OPEN to MOUNTED.

--[ INFO] ORACLE-20009: Attempting to reconnect to instance OSM01P after shutdown/startup.

--[ INFO] ORACLE-20011: Reconnect to instance OSM01P successful.

--[ INFO] ORACLE-20024: Spooling control file for database OSM01P to trace as /tmp/SM_4328781946669849482.

--[ INFO] ORACLE-20024: Spooling control file for database OSM01P to trace as /tmp/SM_5944382185242202786.

--[ INFO] ORACLE-20024: Spooling control file for database OSM01P to trace as /tmp/SM_3183321239151474460.

--[ INFO] ORACLE-20024: Spooling control file for database OSM01P to trace as /tmp/SM_2914581125307715587.

--[ INFO] SMO-07104: Beginning cold backup of database "OSM01P".

--[ INFO] SMO-07152: Fetching archivelogs from destination /home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/recovery/arch

--[ INFO] ORACLE-20023: Backing up control file for database OSM01P to /home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/ctrl_redo04/SMOBakCtl_1371057988097_0.

--[ INFO] ORACLE-20023: Backing up control file for database OSM01P to /home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/ctrl_redo02/SMOBakCtl_1371057988382_1.

--[ INFO] ORACLE-20023: Backing up control file for database OSM01P to /home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/ctrl_redo01/SMOBakCtl_1371057988519_2.

--[ INFO] ORACLE-20023: Backing up control file for database OSM01P to /home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/ctrl_redo03/SMOBakCtl_1371057988649_3.

--[ INFO] SMO-02055: Enabling Completely ColdBackup.

--[ INFO] ORACLE-20000: Changing state for database instance OSM01P from MOUNTED to SHUTDOWN.

--[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/recovery/arch.

--[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for /home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/recovery/arch.

--[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/ctrl_redo02.

--[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for /home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/ctrl_redo02.

--[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/datafile02.

--[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for /home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/datafile02.

--[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/ctrl_redo03.

--[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for /home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/ctrl_redo03.

--[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/ctrl_redo04.

--[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for /home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/ctrl_redo04.

--[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/ctrl_redo01.

--[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for /home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/ctrl_redo01.

--[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/datafile01.

--[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for /home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/datafile01.

--[ INFO] SD-00001: Beginning snapshot with name smo_osm01p_profile_osm01p_f_c_1_8a95909a3f396be5013f396becfe0001_0 for [smfopocvg].

--[ERROR] EXE-00003: Killing spawned process for command: /usr/sbin/snapdrive snap create -vg smfopocvg -snapname smo_osm01p_profile_osm01p_f_c_1_8a95909a3f396be5013f396becfe0001_0 -unrelated

--[ERROR] EXE-00002: Timeout of 0:05:00.000 occurred while executing command: /usr/sbin/snapdrive snap create -vg smfopocvg -snapname smo_osm01p_profile_osm01p_f_c_1_8a95909a3f396be5013f396becfe0001_0 -unrelated

--[ERROR] FLOW-11019: Failure in CreateSnapshotForBucket: SD-00003: Error creating snapshot: EXE-00002: Timeout of 0:05:00.000 occurred while executing command: /usr/sbin/snapdrive snap create -vg smfopocvg -snapname smo_osm01p_profile_osm01p_f_c_1_8a95909a3f396be5013f396becfe0001_0 -unrelated.

--[ERROR] FLOW-11010: Operation transitioning to abort due to prior failure.

--[ WARN] FLOW-11011: Operation aborted

--[ERROR] FLOW-11008: Operation failed: SD-00003: Error creating snapshot: EXE-00002: Timeout of 0:05:00.000 occurred while executing command: /usr/sbin/snapdrive snap create -vg smfopocvg -snapname smo_osm01p_profile_osm01p_f_c_1_8a95909a3f396be5013f396becfe0001_0 -unrelated.

--[ERROR] SMO-13032: Cannot perform operation: Backup Create. Root cause: SMO-11004: Error creating Snapshot copy: EXE-00002: Timeout of 0:05:00.000 occurred while executing command: /usr/sbin/snapdrive snap create -vg smfopocvg -snapname smo_osm01p_profile_osm01p_f_c_1_8a95909a3f396be5013f396becfe0001_0 -unrelated

--[ INFO] SMO-07108: Deleting backup control file "/home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/ctrl_redo04/SMOBakCtl_1371057988097_0".

--[ INFO] SMO-07108: Deleting backup control file "/home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/ctrl_redo02/SMOBakCtl_1371057988382_1".

--[ INFO] SMO-07108: Deleting backup control file "/home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/ctrl_redo01/SMOBakCtl_1371057988519_2".

--[ INFO] SMO-07108: Deleting backup control file "/home/oradata/ora_smg/OSM01P/ctrl_redo03/SMOBakCtl_1371057988649_3".

--[ INFO] ORACLE-00116: Uncataloguing file set




     Could you please upload both SMO and SDU logs?






We have the same error message.

Backups worked well, but since 6 days it doesn't work.


AIX 7.1 TL02 SP2, SMO 3.3


did you find how to fix the problem?


--[ INFO] SD-00001: Beginning snapshot with name smo_repo2_f_h_2_8a177e764aa44b9d014aa44ba4990001_0 for [repo2_log2, repo2_arch, repo2_log1].

--[ERROR] EXE-00003: Killing spawned process for command: /usr/sbin/snapdrive snap create -vg repo2_log2 -vg repo2_arch -vg repo2_log1 -snapname smo_repo2_f_h_2_8a177e764aa44b9d014aa44ba4990001_0 -unrelated
--[ERROR] EXE-00002: Timeout of 0:05:00.000 occurred while executing command: /usr/sbin/snapdrive snap create -vg repo2_log2 -vg repo2_arch -vg repo2_log1 -snapname smo_repo2_f_h_2_8a177e764aa44b9d014aa44ba4990001_0 -unrelated
--[ERROR] FLOW-11019: Failure in CreateSnapshotForBucket: SD-00003: Error creating snapshot: EXE-00002: Timeout of 0:05:00.000 occurred while executing command: /usr/sbin/snapdrive snap create -vg repo2_log2 -vg repo2_arch -vg repo2_log1 -snapname smo_repo2_f_h_2_8a177e764aa44b9d014aa44ba4990001_0 -unrelated.
--[ERROR] FLOW-11010: Operation transitioning to abort due to prior failure.
--[ WARN] FLOW-11011: Operation aborted
--[ERROR] FLOW-11008: Operation failed: SD-00003: Error creating snapshot: EXE-00002: Timeout of 0:05:00.000 occurred while executing command: /usr/sbin/snapdrive snap create -vg repo2_log2 -vg repo2_arch -vg repo2_log1 -snapname smo_repo2_f_h_2_8a177e764aa44b9d014aa44ba4990001_0 -unrelated.
--[ERROR] SMO-13032: Cannot perform operation: Backup Create.  Root cause: SMO-11004: Error creating Snapshot copy: EXE-00002: Timeout of 0:05:00.000 occurred while executing command: /usr/sbin/snapdrive snap create -vg repo2_log2 -vg repo2_arch -vg repo2_log1 -snapname smo_repo2_f_h_2_8a177e764aa44b9d014aa44ba4990001_0 -unrelated

--[ INFO] SMO-07108: Deleting backup control file "/u04/oradata/repo2/log2/repo2/SMOBakCtl_1420095651456_0".
--[ INFO] SMO-07108: Deleting backup control file "/u04/oradata/repo2/log1/repo2/SMOBakCtl_1420095651924_1".
--[ INFO] ORACLE-00116: Uncataloguing file set [/u04/oradata/repo2/log1/repo2/SMOBakCtl_1420095651924_1, /u04/oradata/repo2/log2/repo2/SMOBakCtl_1420095651456_0] from RMAN.
--[ INFO] SD-00013: Beginning deletion of snapshot(s) [A0CRBFASMCA:/vol/filerA_agg2_A0FRNANAPP33_RepData:smo_repo2_f_h_1_8a177e764aa44b9d014aa44ba4990001_0].
--[ INFO] SD-00014: Deleted snapshot(s) [A0CRBFASMCA:/vol/filerA_agg2_A0FRNANAPP33_RepData:smo_repo2_f_h_1_8a177e764aa44b9d014aa44ba4990001_0].
--[ INFO] SMO-07131: Unlocked database for SnapManager operations - removed lock file "/u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/dbs/.sm_lock_repo2" on host A0FRNANAPP33.
--[ INFO] SMO-07433: Returning the database to its initial state: repo2(OPEN).
--[ INFO] SMO-13039: Successfully aborted operation: Backup Create

--[ERROR] SMO-13048: Backup Create Operation Status: FAILED
