Data Protection

SMO cloning of Oracle database on an alternate host ?



i would like to have feedback from someone who performed SMO cloning for Oracle database (9i or 10g) on NFS protocol:

here is the use case:

A) install SMO on two AIX hosts : AIX 1 and AIX 2
B) create a clone with SMO 2.2 from a database that is running on AIX1 and then request SMO to mount the clone (all NFS mounts from qtrees) on AIX2
C) start the cloned database on AIX2

in this case, how can we start automtically the Oracle database on AIX 2 ? Does someone perform scripting for that case.

according to information i have , SMO will only mount NFS qtree on AIX2 from the clone but will not start and recover the Oracle Database in the clone

besides, SMO will not modifiy the TNSNAMES file and maybe other ORacle files.

any help is welcome.



Hi Moustapha,

We have now created a "Databases & Enterprises" Community where topics related to SMO, SMSQL, Oracle, SQL Server etc can be discussed.  I will move this thread under that community.  Also, i apologize for not having spotted your posting earlier.

Regarding cloning to another host, all the 3 steps that you mentioned (A, B & C) will be automated by SMO.  With every backup SMO backs up the archive logs as well and this is to be able to recover the database if a clone is created from that backup. But, plz first check the requirements in the IAG.  Also, if using TNSNAMES then you will manually have to add the detailes of the newly created clone database to the TNSNAMES file on the client machines that need to access it.

Considerations for cloning a database to an alternate host

Before you can clone to a host other than the one on which the database resides, there are environment considerations to think about and some prerequisite tasks to perform. The following table shows the requirements for the source and target host setup.

Prerequisite set upRequirement
ArchitectureMust be the same on both the source and target hosts
Operating system and versionMust be the same on both the source and target hosts

SnapManager for Oracle

Must be installed and running on both the source and target hosts
CredentialsMust be set for the user to access the target host

The same software version must be installed on both the source and target hosts.

The Oracle Listener must be running on target host.

Compatible storage stack:Must be the same on both the source and target hosts
Protocol used to access data filesMust be the same on both the source and target hosts
Volume managersMust be configured on both the source and target hosts and must be compatible versions

You can also clone an ASM database to a remote host. When doing so, make sure the ASM instance is running on the remote host.

Also, plz refer to the SnapManager 3.0 for Oracle Best Practices Guide for more details:


HI Anand

first of all, thanks again for your last reply: i managed to clone to an alternate host whitout any pb (if snapdrive and SMO agents are correctly installed, no pb)

did you see my last question about specific mountpoint for SMO in XML file for cloning process ?

the source database has a specific NFS mountpoint for admin files (log, tns files,...etc). In the clone on the alternate host, the associated qtree and NFS was created but SMO did not mount this specific mountpoint. Instead, SMO used "/" directory to create required files.

I tried to add an entry in XML file for clone command but without success. It seems that SMO only mounts NFS for datafile in the clone and that's all.

Do you have any idea ?

is SMO 3.0.1 supposed to be able to mount any additional NFS mountpoint specified in the XML file ? If not we have to perform additional post-scripting

thanks for your help.



I apologize for the delay in replying back.

SMO only backs up the datafiles, control files and archive logs.  SMO does not back up any of the parameter files etc and since a clone is created from a backup, no other files/mount pts are cloned.  If you need any specific steps to be performed after the clone is created then u can leverage the post clone scripts feature of SMO.

Also, to understand what files SMO will clone and what files SMO will create newly, plz go thru:


