Data Protection

SMO mount error in oracle using ASM



     I have error in mount a error in oracle using ASM,  how  can i solve this problem?

--[ INFO] SMO-13046: Operation GUID ff8080812890c089012890c08dd20001 starting on Profile PROFILEASM
--[ INFO] SD-00028: Beginning to connect device(s) [/dev/sdg] from snapshot smo_profileasm_orcl_f_h_1_ff808081288f6c5801288f6c5dc20001_0.
--[ INFO] SD-00029: Finished connecting device(s) [/dev/sdg] from snapshot smo_profileasm_orcl_f_h_1_ff808081288f6c5801288f6c5dc20001_0.
--[ INFO] PLAT-00010: Creating mapping from disk "/dev/sdb1" to raw device "/dev/raw/raw10".
--[ INFO] ASM-00500: Changing ASM Disk Group name in header of disk /dev/raw/raw10 from DG1 to DG1_20100513162059538_1.
--[ INFO] ASM-00000: Mounting ASM Disk Group DG1_20100513162059538_1 on host dell67.
--[ERROR] FLOW-11019: Failure in ExecuteConnectionSteps: ORACLE-10003: Error executing SQL "ALTER DISKGROUP DG1_20100513162059538_1 MOUNT" against Oracle database +ASM: ORA-15032: not all alterations performed
ORA-15024: discovered duplicately numbered ASM disk 0

--[ERROR] FLOW-11010: Operation transitioning to abort due to prior failure.
--[ INFO] SD-00019: Discovering storage resources for all system devices.
--[ INFO] SD-00020: Finished storage discovery for all system devices.
--[ INFO] SD-00034: Beginning to disconnect device(s) [/dev/sdb].
--[ INFO] SD-00035: Finished disconnecting device(s) [/dev/sdb].
--[ WARN] FLOW-11011: Operation aborted
--[ERROR] FLOW-11008: Operation failed: ORACLE-10003: Error executing SQL "ALTER DISKGROUP DG1_20100513162059538_1 MOUNT" against Oracle database +ASM: ORA-15032: not all alterations performed
ORA-15024: discovered duplicately numbered ASM disk 0

--[ERROR] SMO-13032: Cannot perform operation: Backup Mount.  Root cause: SMO-11007: Error cloning from snapshot: FLOW-11019: Failure in ExecuteConnectionSteps: ORACLE-10003: Error executing SQL "ALTER DISKGROUP DG1_20100513162059538_1 MOUNT" against Oracle database +ASM: ORA-15032: not all alterations performed
ORA-15024: discovered duplicately numbered ASM disk 0

--[ INFO] SMO-13039: Successfully aborted operation: Backup Mount
--[ERROR] SMO-13048: Backup Mount Operation Status: FAILED
--[ INFO] SMO-13049: Elapsed Time: 0:00:33.300



Hi All

This is neto from Brazil

How are you?

IMHO the issue is:

--[ INFO] PLAT-00010: Creating mapping from disk "/dev/sdb1" to raw device "/dev/raw/raw10".

Based on it, you have mounted sdb1 to raw10 and worked.

--[ INFO] ASM-00000: Mounting ASM Disk Group DG1_20100513162059538_1 on host dell67.

--[ERROR] FLOW-11019: Failure in ExecuteConnectionSteps: ORACLE-10003: Error executing SQL "ALTER DISKGROUP DG1_20100513162059538_1 MOUNT" against Oracle database +ASM: ORA-15032: not all alterations performed

ORA-15024: discovered duplicately numbered ASM disk 0

Seems to me that ASM instance doesn't have configure the ASM disktring and ASM is trying to discover all disks and ASM could be discovering two disks with same id (sdb1 and raw10).

You could try to use the following on ASM configuration: (ASM disk string)


/dev/raw/, /opt/NetApp/mount/

Please let me know the results

All the best


View solution in original post



Hi All

This is neto from Brazil

How are you?

IMHO the issue is:

--[ INFO] PLAT-00010: Creating mapping from disk "/dev/sdb1" to raw device "/dev/raw/raw10".

Based on it, you have mounted sdb1 to raw10 and worked.

--[ INFO] ASM-00000: Mounting ASM Disk Group DG1_20100513162059538_1 on host dell67.

--[ERROR] FLOW-11019: Failure in ExecuteConnectionSteps: ORACLE-10003: Error executing SQL "ALTER DISKGROUP DG1_20100513162059538_1 MOUNT" against Oracle database +ASM: ORA-15032: not all alterations performed

ORA-15024: discovered duplicately numbered ASM disk 0

Seems to me that ASM instance doesn't have configure the ASM disktring and ASM is trying to discover all disks and ASM could be discovering two disks with same id (sdb1 and raw10).

You could try to use the following on ASM configuration: (ASM disk string)


/dev/raw/, /opt/NetApp/mount/

Please let me know the results

All the best

