Data Protection

Single Files are not visible in SnapCreator GUI when running a single file restore


I try to restore a single file via Snapcreators GUI in our Testenvironment. The Environment is configured with a volume and two qtrees (NFS mounted on a linux host). Within the qtrees there are a couple of files and directories. The files are available through the .snapshot directory on the linux host and it is possible to copy the files back to the active filesystem.

But when i try to browse the Snapshot within the Snapcrators GUI restore function, only the volume, qtrees and directories are visible but not the single files that are located within the qtree.

Are there any hints on that?





Did you try single file restore using CLI? I just did this and it works so if that works it may be that GUI doesnt recognize qtree as a directory, again I havent confirmed this but just a theory.

ktenzer@scdev:~/sandbox/SC-Framework/core> ./snapcreator --profile 443 --action restore --policy daily --verbose

########## Parsing Environment Parameters ##########

[Mon Oct 10 17:20:59 2011] INFO: Logfile timestamp: 20111010172059

########## PRE RESTORE COMMANDS ##########


### You have chosen to do a snap restore on one or more volumes for the Config: 443 Policy: daily ###

Are you sure you want to continue (y|n)? y

########## Detecting Data OnTap mode for cuba2 ##########

[Mon Oct 10 17:21:01 2011] INFO: Data OnTap 7 mode detected

[Mon Oct 10 17:21:01 2011] INFO: Management interface for cuba2 detected, using for communications

[Mon Oct 10 17:21:01 2011] INFO: Getting NetApp Snapvault Status for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1

[Mon Oct 10 17:21:03 2011] INFO: NetApp Snapvault Status for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 finished successfully

01. Primary View

02. Secondary View

Select a View (enter a number or "q" to quit): 01

########## Detecting Data OnTap mode for cuba2 ##########

[Mon Oct 10 17:21:09 2011] INFO: Data OnTap 7 mode detected

[Mon Oct 10 17:21:09 2011] INFO: Management interface for cuba2 detected, using for communications

### Volume Menu for cuba2 ###

01. sc_qa_pri1

Select a volume for snapshot restore (enter a number, "n" for next filer, "c" to continue, or "q" to quit): 01

########## Gathering Information for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 ##########

[Mon Oct 10 17:21:11 2011] INFO: Performing NetApp Snapshot Inventory for sc_qa_pri1 on cuba2

[Mon Oct 10 17:21:11 2011] INFO: NetApp Snapshot Inventory of sc_qa_pri1 on cuba2 completed Successfully

### Snapshot Menu for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 ###

01. db2prd-daily_20111010152257 (Oct 10 2011 15:25:09) (snapvault)

02. db2prd-daily_20111006023510 (Oct 06 2011 02:37:06)

03. db2prd-daily_20111005175739 (Oct 05 2011 17:59:33)

04. db2prd-daily_20111005175558 (Oct 05 2011 17:57:52)

05. db2prd-daily_20110930115221 (Sep 30 2011 11:53:55)

06. db2prd-daily_20110930114730 (Sep 30 2011 11:49:04)

07. db2prd-daily_20110930113325 (Sep 30 2011 11:35:00)

08. db2prd-daily_20110816160421 (Aug 16 2011 16:05:04) (busy,vclone)

Select a snapshot for restore (enter a number or "q" to quit): 01

### Restore Menu for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 snapshot db2prd-daily_20111010152257 ###

01. Volume Restore

02. Single File Restore

Select a restore type (enter a number, or "q" to quit): 02

Would you like to bypass file selection and manually enter a file for restore (y|n)?n

01. foo (file)

02. qtree1 (directory)

03. qtree2 (directory)

04. qtree3 (directory)

05. restore1 (directory)

06. restore2 (directory)

07. test1 (directory)

08. test1.lun (file)

09. test2 (directory)

Select a file or directory to restore for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 (enter a number, or "q" to quit): 02

01. file1 (file)

02. lun1.lun (file)

Select a file or directory to restore for cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 (enter a number, or "q" to quit): 01

You have selected to restore /vol/sc_qa_pri1/qtree1/file1 on cuba2. Fast restore (sis clone) was not detected, single file snap restore will be used instead. You will be prompted to select a restore location

Are you sure you want to continue with the single file restore (y|n)?y

Do you want to Restore to original location [/vol/sc_qa_pri1/qtree1/file1] (y|n): y

WARN: You are about to restore /vol/sc_qa_pri1/qtree1/file1 with snapshot db2prd-daily_20111010152257

Are you sure you want to continue (y|n)?y

### Taking Recovery Snapshot prior to restore on cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 ###

[Mon Oct 10 17:21:30 2011] INFO: NetApp Snapshot Create of db2prd-daily_20111010172059-restore on cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 Completed Successfully

[Mon Oct 10 17:21:30 2011] INFO: Recovery Snapshot Create of db2prd-daily_20111010172059-restore on cuba2:sc_qa_pri1 finished successfully

[Mon Oct 10 17:21:40 2011] INFO: INFO: NetApp Single File Restore (SFSR) of db2prd-daily_20111010152257 on cuba2:/vol/sc_qa_pri1/qtree1/file1 started successfully

### Volume Menu for cuba2 ###

01. sc_qa_pri1

Select a volume for snapshot restore (enter a number, "n" for next filer, "c" to continue, or "q" to quit): q


I found the problem. Looks like that files that are empty (0 kb of size) are not discoverd by Snapcreator GUI or Cli. I copied some new testfiles (not empty) to the qtrees and now it works. My files were empty because it was only for a single file restore test.

How ever thanks for your answer.




Yep we ignore empty files because a restore will fail if file is 0 bytes, ontap kicks back error so that is why we ignore them

