Data Protection
Data Protection
Dear Team,
I'm trying to install SCF Agent v4.1P1 on Oracle server (AIX 5.3) but failed to start the agent because of the Java version do not meet the minimum requirement.
Customer is not comfortable to upgrade the default Java version due to the application dependency and etc.
# /Download/snap_agent/scAgent4.1P1/bin/scAgent start
Starting scAgent:
Watchdog: Stopped
Agent: Stopped
Snap Creator Agent requires Java version 1.6.0_24 or greater!
Next, we try to install the Agent v4.0P1 but the setup can't proceed because the default port 9090 has been used by other application, it doesn't allow me to specify new port number (I can do that with v4.1P1 during setup or change it later on "" file)
# /Download/snap_agent1/scAgent4.0p1/snapcreator --setup
ERROR: Detected a Snap Creator agent running on 9090! Please stop agent before running setup
# netstat -an | grep -i 9090
tcp4 0 0 *.9090 *.* LISTEN
# ps -ef | grep -i snapc
Appreciate your assistance or advice on this matter
Solved! See The Solution
Hello CL YAP,
please refer the below thread.
There may be other AIX process (like websphere or something) that is running on port 9090.
Hence, snapcreator is simply saying that port is occupied.
You may either use a custom port as mentioned in the above thread.
Or kill the process that occupies 9090 (if unwanted) and restart the agent install.
When you give a custom port for snap creator agent, please remember to use the proper port number in the snapcreator config files.
Siva Ramanathan
Sorry you're hitting this trouble.
Go to the agent installation path and locate the file with the etc subdirectory:
Edit the file and change this DEFAULT_PORT line to an open port:
Save the file and retry the installation.
Hope this helps!
Hi Spinks,
I'm not able to use v4.1 because of the Java dependency.
I'm using v4.0 now and there is no /etc directory nor file to edit the default port 9090
Can you please kindly advice?
Hello CL YAP,
please refer the below thread.
There may be other AIX process (like websphere or something) that is running on port 9090.
Hence, snapcreator is simply saying that port is occupied.
You may either use a custom port as mentioned in the above thread.
Or kill the process that occupies 9090 (if unwanted) and restart the agent install.
When you give a custom port for snap creator agent, please remember to use the proper port number in the snapcreator config files.
Siva Ramanathan