Data Protection
Data Protection
Is there any documentation available on Snap Creator's database structure? Which tables exist, their fields, etc.
Snap Creator uses embedded Derby database.
At this time, there are no customer facing documentation around the tables, fields etc.
We don't recommend directly connecting to the database.
Please let us know your needs, and I will see how we can help.
We need some means to create reports on snapshots taken, their size, state (success, failure), etc. As far as I know such information cannot be retrieved using the CLI.
If you are using the Snap Creator scheduler you can get some of what you are looking for using the schedList action in Snap Creator.
This shows you information about the schedules including success/fail and last run time as well as schedule details.
Here is an example:
[root@lyon scServer4.1.0c]# ./snapcreator --server localhost --port 8443 --user admin --action schedList
INFO: Missing option --passwd
Enter password:
########## NetApp Snap Creator Framework 4.1.0 Scheduler ##########
### Id ### ### Name ### ### Active ### ### Profile ### ### Config ### ### Policy ### ### Action ### ### Frequency ### ### Last Run ### ### Last Run Time ###
2 OraSched true Oracle nfs11g DAILY backup daily successful 2013-09-09T08:39:58.005-04:00
3 LyonDaily true Domino Lyon_SC DAILY backup daily successful 2013-09-09T08:41:45.576-04:00
4 TampicoDaily true Domino Tampico DAILY backup daily successful 2013-09-09T08:47:13.490-04:00
5 LyonBad true WDS LyonWDS DAILY backup daily failed 2013-09-09T08:42:46.652-04:00
[root@lyon scServer4.1.0c]#
NOTE: in the above I left out the password which prompted me for it.
Alternatively you can run ./snapcreator --credentials which will prompt you for and cache: server, port, user, and password
OR, you can use ./snapcreator --pwdCrypt which will prompt you for a password and will result in an encrypted version of the password that you can use in a script.
This may not get you everything that you need, but hopefully it helps!
Thanks for your reply. The output of schedList is partially helpful. What I need is a complete list of all snapshots on a monthly basis. Neither schedList nor backupList deliver this. schedList only shows the latest snapshots per config, and backupList does not list snapshots taken with Snap Manager (even though they are listed in the web interface).
If you set NTAP_USE_EXTERNAL_SNAPSHOT=Y in config it will list external snapshots, those from SM and any other snapshots it finds