I have an issue with a basic snap manager for Oracle install I hope someone can help with. I cant seem to create a profile due to Insufficient Privileges issue with the snap manager windows service account.
We are using
- SMO v3
- Windows 2K3 host with Oracle 10G v2
Managed to create the repository DB OK and authenticate, but when trying to create a profile to any DB I hit the authentication problem
"-[ERROR] SMO-05075: Profile create failed: SMO-13504: Verify operation failed. Errors: [Oracle error is: ORACLE-00001: Error executing SQL: []. The command returned: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges. Verify that the SnapManager Windows service is set up to run as a user with the correct privileges and that the user is included in the ORA_DBA group. ]"
the verification for the sys account passes, as does the other snapdrive pre-reqs.
the snap manager service account is in the domain admins group and also in the ora_db local group and has admin rights to the filer. as far as I am aware this is all it needs.
Help needed please!!!
Thanks again Darren