Data Protection
Data Protection
Hi guys,
I have problem to perform successfully snapshot after upgrading from SC 4.0p1 to SC 4.1.0c (community release). Upgrading has been done according to
Error message:
########## Application Quiesce ##########
[Mon Nov 25 21:57:13 2013] INFO: Application Quiesce for plugin : oracle
[Mon Nov 25 21:57:17 2013] ERROR: SCF-00037: Application quiesce for plug-in [oracle] failed with error [ Unrecognized f com.netapp.snapcreator.agent.nextgen.common.result.Result), not marked as ignorable
at [Source:$HttpInputStream@303459ed; line: 1, column: 290] (through reference chain: com.netapp.snapcreator.agent.nextgen.common.resu] and exit code [-1], Exiting!
[Mon Nov 25 21:57:17 2013] ERROR: Task: quiesce with config:oracle@er1 failed
########## Application Unquiesce ##########
[Mon Nov 25 21:57:17 2013] INFO: Application Unquiesce for plugin: oracle
[Mon Nov 25 21:57:22 2013] ERROR: SCF-00032: Application unquiesce failed due to application error. To ignore application errors and proceed with backup you can set APP_IGNORE_ERR
[Mon Nov 25 21:57:23 2013] ERROR: Task: unquiesce with config:oracle@er1 failed
[Mon Nov 25 21:57:23 2013] ERROR: Snap Creator Community Release 4.1.0c CLI action backup failed
What can be wrong? Could you somebody help me?
Thank you
Jakub -
Did you upgrade the Snap Creator Agent to SC 4.1 as well as the Snap Creator Server?
We would need a little bit more information to troubleshoot this issue.
Can you provide an scdump?
If you don't want to post you can email it to spinks at netapp dot com.
FYI - I'm going to delete the other posts as they seem to be duplicates.
Hello John,
yes please, remove duplicate posts. My bad, I´m sorry!
scAgent has been upgraded to SC4.1.0c too.
scdump has been sent to your email address.
No problem - I just wanted you to know that I was deleting them.
Thanks for confirmation on the upgrade. I just got the scdump. I'll take a look and get back to you soon.
Since Jakub and I took this conversation to email, I wanted to update the thread in case anyone else encounters this issue.
Jakub provided us with a scdump as well as the agent.log files, which are located in /install/path/scAgent4.1.0c/logs/agent.log
Since I had not seen this message before, one of the SC Developers was kind enough to review the logs.
He noticed the following in the agent.log file:
[2013-11-25T12:25:27,572+0200] DEBUG [Thread-18] com.netapp.snapcreator.agent.nextgen.plugin.legacyservice.StreamLogger - run() - type=stderr, wid=3, p=oracle - /bin/sh: plugins/wrapper/wrapper: Permission denied
Can you please verify with them that
has execute permission on the user they are trying to run SC? If changing the permission on that files does help, please check if they can maybe re-test with +rwx on all files for the current user?
The execute permission was indeed missing and after updating this the backup was able to run successfully.
Setting chmod +x on plugins/wrapper/wrapper for the user executing scAgent should solve the issue.