Data Protection
Data Protection
Hi there
I understand SnapProtect uses OnCommand Unified Manager 5.x (7-mode) to do snapshots, initialise SnapMirror and SnapVault relationships, and trigger updates of vaults and mirrors.
With Clustered ONTAP, is the OnCommand Unified Manager 6.x appliance used? I presume the Workflow Automation appliance is also required, as OCUM 6.x lacks the ability to manipulate protection relationships without it?
Clarification would be appreciated
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No, Shawn P. tells me that SnapProtect solely requires OnCommand Unified Mgr 6 for cDOT capabilities. SnapProtect and OCUM 6 provides the API for those SnapMirror, / SnapVault workflows…without any need for WFA. By the way, there are 4 default provisioning policies for cDOT ...
SnapMirror Destination: Policy on the secondary volume used for mirror replication
SnapVault Destination: Policy on the secondary volume used for vault replication
SnapVault Destination with Deduplication: Policy with deduplication enabled on the secondary volume used for vault replication
SnapVault Destination with Deduplication and Compression: Policy with deduplication and compression enabled on the secondary volume used for vault replication
You are correct; SnapProtect for cDOT does require OnCommand Unified Mgr 6.x. There's no WFA requirement; what do you mean by "manipulate protection relationships"?
Hi Jim,
For SnapProtect on 7-Mode, you use the Protection Manager component of OCUM 5.x to define resource pools for SnapMirror and SnapVault protection by selecting controllers and aggregates and adding them to a Resource Pool. When SnapProtect runs a protection job, it talks to DFM/OCUM to run the SM/SV operation on behalf of SnapProtect. OCUM/DFM also creates mirror volumes and initialises the relationships.
As I understand it, OCUM 6.x for cDOT does not have any capability to do any of this without linking a WFA instance to OCUM. So I would presume then that SnapProtect on cDOT will require both OCUM and WFA in order to be able to provision SM/SV relationships and perform SM/SV operations (e.g. snapmirror update) when protecting data from SnapProtect.
... Am I correct?
No, Shawn P. tells me that SnapProtect solely requires OnCommand Unified Mgr 6 for cDOT capabilities. SnapProtect and OCUM 6 provides the API for those SnapMirror, / SnapVault workflows…without any need for WFA. By the way, there are 4 default provisioning policies for cDOT ...
SnapMirror Destination: Policy on the secondary volume used for mirror replication
SnapVault Destination: Policy on the secondary volume used for vault replication
SnapVault Destination with Deduplication: Policy with deduplication enabled on the secondary volume used for vault replication
SnapVault Destination with Deduplication and Compression: Policy with deduplication and compression enabled on the secondary volume used for vault replication
Thanks Jim - I'll give it a go.
Jim is it possible to see / edit these 4 default provisioning policies or create custom provisioning policies?
We used "SnapVault Destination with Deduplication" but all destination volumes are thick provisioned even though the source are thin provisiioned.
By the way, there are 4 default provisioning policies for cDOT ...
SnapMirror Destination: Policy on the secondary volume used for mirror replication
SnapVault Destination: Policy on the secondary volume used for vault replication
SnapVault Destination with Deduplication: Policy with deduplication enabled on the secondary volume used for vault replication
SnapVault Destination with Deduplication and Compression: Policy with deduplication and compression enabled on the secondary volume used for vault replication