Data Protection

Snapcenter vs SMO Feature Parity Issues


We have been evaluating SC 4.4 as we need to move away from SMO for Oracle 19c support. We are finding a lot of limitation on the SC UI around admin aspects that were easy in SMO. Some examples:


  1. Clone hierarchy not present in SC
  2. UI does not show a list of backups for all resources
  3. Backup to clone hierarchy would be better suited to a tree view
  4. Backups/Clones cannot have an arbitrary name specified at creation 
  5. Limited tagging of entities to add metadat for admins/dev teams
  6. Some panes show loading when creating clones etc. UI should be more responsive
  7. In SMO we could provide a simply XML file that contyained all the SGA setup etc. for a clone. Nothing in SC UI for this. Need to do it manually each time. 


Perhaps I am not using the product as it is intended but these have proved very frustrating. 
