OnTap 7.3.2 on FAS3020
VM SQL Server 2008 R2 running under Windows Server 2008 R2 with an NFS datastore
SQL Database and log files stored in VMDKs also under NFS
Snapdrive 6.3 and Snapmanager 5.1 installed on SQL Server
VSC 2.0.1 installed on Virtual Center server
Using Snapmanage for SQL server for backups of SQL database and log files stored in VMDKs under NFS is supported with above setup. My backup will work for a few days and then bomb with a Snapdrive error shown in the attached file. I scoured the Now Knowledgebase and could not come up with anything. I scoured the event logs on my SQL and Virtual Center server with little luck. Yesterday, I opened a case with Netapp but I was curious if anyone else has seen this type of Snapdrive error.
A few weeks back I did upgrade from Snapdrive 6.3 to 6.3P1. This problem might have coincided with this upgrade but I cannot be sure. Two days ago my backup bombed again. When I went to look at the SQL server, Snapdrive was not even seeing the disks and a restart did not help. When I opened the ticket with Netapp, the engineer had me unistall Snapdrive 6.3P1 and reinstall Snapdrive 6.3. This made the disks visible once again. A kicked off my SMSQL server backup job manually and it bombed again with the same Snapdrive errors. Last night this same job kicked off according to schedule at 10:40pm and it ran fine.