Data Protection

replication lag issue due to sql server defrag job


We had twice a week large replication lag of a few hours and snapshots not completing due to twice a week sql server database defrag jobs. It is obvious that Defrag changes a lot of data.   Our sql dba uses defrag job for our production databases for many years. There is no replicon issue for using our previous storage system -- HP  EVA CA (continue access)  technology until we migrated out storage system  to Netapp last Christmas.  What is the best practice for this?  Should we continue to run defrag for our sql server production database? Can we skip sql server database defrag job?     Any advice and help would be appreciated.  We would like to hear other experienced sql server DBA share their bast practice on defrag job.

  We were told by vendor that we should try to run database
defrag job less frequent using Netapp storage system compared with our previous
HP EVA storage system. Is there any system performance impact without running
database defrag? The total size for all databases is not big with only 50 GB.
Please share your knowledge and best practice.
