Data Protection

snapcenter dont remove snapshoot from repository



i have a sql server with 3 instances, for each instance i have a seperatly resource group.

and my problem is that only by one resource group (sql instance) by sql default db, master,msdb,  in snapcenter under snapmirror, and vault are showing more snapshoots that in retention is define. 

so it should be 31 but i have more as 31 , but when i check the snapshoots on netapp the number is the end i have to remove id in metadata from db repository.

the command cleanupsecondary dont do nothing.


have someone a ideea what should i do?





My responses in RED


i have a sql server with 3 instances, for each instance i have a seperatly resource group.


and my problem is that only by one resource group (sql instance) by sql default db, master,msdb,  in snapcenter under snapmirror, and vault are showing more snapshoots that in retention is define. 

There is a separate resource group in separately for default DB like msdb, masterdb and tempdb. Is there a retention set in the storage or in SnapCenter?


so it should be 31 but i have more as 31 , but when i check the snapshoots on netapp the number is the end i have to remove id in metadata from db repository.

the command cleanupsecondary dont do nothing.

This above statement means that the retention is set for 31 days ? Why did the customer try to remove the metadata from the nsmdb ? If the cleanup command is not doing anything it means that there are dependency of that metadata for other snapshot sets which is required.


I would like to discuss more on this, if we can create a case then we can look deep in to this.


