Data Protection
Data Protection
hi guys
is it possible to snap my hole vcloud architecture into one snapshot vapp consistent? at this moment i can only create policies based on orgs, org-vcds and vapps. i would like to snap my hole vcloud system. an idea is to snap the provider-vcds (because my vcloud director has only two nfs drives) but i cant find a option like this...
an other question: is it possible to restore a vapp snap to another destination then the orginal vapp container in vcloud?
thank you very much for help
kind regards
hello? is there no community for snapcreator?
Sorry for late response, it is better to post in the general discussions area under SC community. This area isnt as well followed, hence the late reply.
Currently the granularity layer for vCD backup and recovery is orgs or individual vApps. There is no option to backup entire vCD environment. You can certainly build a backup configuration which has all orgs and vApps in it but I would advise against this. The more you backup at once, the more complex the backup becomes and thus more prone to failure but that is just my opinion. I certainly recommend backing up smaller units.
It is also not possible to restore a vApp to another destination. SC focuses on backup and recovery and restores back to existing container (certainly in future this could be option, just not today). In addition there is limitation today that SC cant restore a deleted vApp or VM. So if you delete VM or vApp from container or move it, the old backups you have cant be restored. This is because we are not tracking the meta data in vCD, we are working on this for future release but just want to make sure you have all the info in order to make a proper decision
Hope this helps
Hi Keith,
Do you know if there is a forecast date for Snapcreator to backup the meta data for vCloud?
No I haven't heard of a date yet, I would suspect not before Snap Creator 4.1/4.2 so we are still a few releases away, next release is 4.0. The problem is SC itself needs to store vCenter and vCloud meta data and right now SC does not have a adequate repository to store that amount of data.
The 4.0 release will add a repository catalog and then plugins such as vCloud can start using it.
thank you for response keith
Hi Keith,
Anyway we can get this voted to be accelarated?
Most Service Providers who use vCloud Director would benefit significantly from being able to do a full restore including the vCloud Director metadata through SnapCreator.
Have you got updated informations regarding metadata of Vcloud in snapcreator ? and the restore of vapps or vm ?
We have recently changed our strategy a bit regarding vcloud director support in Snap Creator. We will continue to support functionality we have but since vCloud director is as we know it going away we are not going to invest further at this time in SC vCD plugin. We are going to wait and see where the vCloud and vApp functionality ends up. Unfortunately we realize this is painful for those using vCD and I really had hoped to improve our integration and support backing up the metadata of vCD but right now that is not realistic given the change in direction form vmware.
Ok thanks for your explanation.
Could you confirm me that we can only from snapcreator restore only a volume (like snap restore) ? Or it's possible to restore from a VDC profile snapshot a single VM or an entire Vapps ?
You can restore single VM, datastore, or vApps with the SC vCloud plugin. The things we dont let you do is mount the backup or backup / restore the vCD metadata, the VM or vApp metadata.
im using sc4.1. im not able to restore a single vm into a vcloud director system. im only able to restore a vapp or a volume.
how do you restore a vm into vcloud director keith?
thank you
Yes if you are using vCloud plugin you can restore a vApp to vApp or backup a vApp. If you use the vCenter plugin you can restore VM to VM or datastore to datastore. Sorry for confusion.