@edannen I don't believe so. E-Series is block storage, so from the perspective of the storage-system itself, it doesn't know about the filesystem, which is where the inodes come in. In order to get that kind of information, you'd have to tie back to the filesystem from the host side.
I wasn't aware that Harvest supported E-Series directly (good news if it does). That said, we have a tool for E-Series that we released that does support a similar model: https://github.com/NetApp/eseries-perf-analyzer
One of our next priorities for this tool is to integrate a tool called Telegraf and use it to pull in metrics from the host and from specific applications as well. This would give the inode count, as well as other filesystem related statistics and allow you to tie the filesystem back to the correct drives/pools/eseries system. It's something that can be done fairly easily if you'd to tackle this yourself in the meantime, but I'm not sure how easy the correlation between the filesystem and the eseries data would be.