Here the outputs, I see OOS piece failed.
-> vdmShowOosPieces
*************************** PieceManager OOS Pieces **********************
RAIDVolume:0x1(0x1660b4850), 1 pieces OOS
Ord:0x0004 Addr:0x00000001656cc3c0 state:FAILED (Active)
0x0 - Piece Failed Timestamp: 1970 Jan 01 00:00:00
value = 76 = 0x4c = 'L'
-> evfShowVol 0
Volume 0x0(RAIDVolume)
6 VolumeListener(s)
0 Children
Volume 0x0 Attributes:
Volume Type: 8+2 RAID 6
User Label: d0
WWN: 6d039ea0000201a8000001a05dd3fc69
Address: 0x0000000165e0f598
Devnum: 0x10000000
Capacity: 183601463296 blocks
BlockSize: 512 bytes
LargeIoSize: 4096 blocks
MaxBkgdIoSize: 4096 blocks
Has Extents: false
Ownership: This controller
PreferredPath: This controller
Transferring: false
StopIOInProgress: false
Suspended: 0
Quiesce Count: 0
Quiesce Both Ctl: 0 (Local: 0/Alt: 0)
Unreadable Sectors:Not Present
App Tag: 0x0000
App Tag Owned: false
Protection Type: 1
PI Reporting: enabled
PI Mirroring: enabled
isSecure: false
isSecureCapable: false
isFIPS: false
isExopActive: true
isPersistent: true
isTCGSSupported: true
skipped URS: 0
NonCriticalTransferAllowed: true
Permissions: CONFIG=Y CPYsrc=Y CPYTGT=Y
Activity Count: 1
QueueDepth: 0
EUI: 000001a05dd3fc69d039ea00000201a8
IAF Aborted: 0
Segment Size: 256 blocks
Stripe Size: 2048 blocks
Drive Recovery Mode: RECOVERY_INVALID
PreConfigedPI: 0
isVolumeCopyActive: False
isVolumeCopyInsertPI: False
DSS PreAllocation: Enabled
AbsoluteMaxDSSSegSize: 4096
Pre-Read Redundancy Check: Disabled
Retry on Mismatch: Enabled
Repair Writes: Disabled
Flash Read Cache: Disabled
Atomic Write Support: Disabled
Volume Usage: STANDARD
Initialization: Completed
Offline Type: 0
NoDemandFlush: False
Read Ahead: 1
Fast Write: 1
Sync Age: 2500
Cache Flush Modifier: 8
Min Warn Flush Modifier: 8
Cache Granularity: 64
Ignore FUA: Host type(s) - 0 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 17 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Media Scan Settings: Enabled with Parity Check, but no Repair.
Period = 30 day(s). Current rate = 88542 blocks/sec.
Background Task: MEDIA SCAN at block 0x0211a246800 with 77% complete
Background Delay: 0.1 seconds per 4096 blocks
*** Volume Group Info ***
WWN : 6d039ea0000201a8000001945dd3fc4a
RAID Level : RAID 6
Boundary : 142172514304 0x211a246800
Persisted : 0 0x0
VG Label : vg0
Address : 0x000000024669b6b0
Drive Count: 10
Secure : False
PI Capable : True - 2
Media Type : HDD
Volumes on this Group:
Volume Count: 1
0x00000 [O]
*** Pieces ***
Offset: 0x0 Length: 0x557f00000 (22950182912 dec)
Count : 10 Data Count: 8
Piece Devnum Address Tray/Slot State
0 0x00010100 0x00000001656ff850 00,01 PieceOptimalState
1 0x0001000f 0x0000000165796640 99,16 PieceOptimalState
2 0x0001011e 0x00000001656e8f58 00,31 PieceOptimalState
3 0x0001002d 0x00000001656e8e48 99,46 PieceOptimalState
4 0x00010131 0x0000000165786280 00,50 PieceOptimalState
5 0x00010004 0x000000016575b9b8 99,05 PieceOptimalState
6 0x00010113 0x0000000165747760 00,20 PieceOptimalState
7 0x00010022 0x00000001657475f0 99,35 PieceOptimalState
8 0x00010126 0x00000001656e0ba0 00,39 PieceOptimalState
9 0x00010035 0x000000016571a330 99,54 PieceOptimalState
StripesPerCachePoolExtent: 16
BlocksPerCachePoolExtent : 32768
*** CACHE DEVICE 0 ***
Sector Size Secs/CacheBlock Cache Blk Size Clean Minimum
512 bytes 64 32768 bytes 0000208000
Dirty Cache Blks Dirty Cache High per Pool
5129 0:12771 1:15775 2:12761
Hash Data Blks Hash Parity Blks
150394 0
Background sync is in progress : NO
CacheBlockMask: ffffffffffffffff
Cache Statistics:
current old current old
cache read read parity parity disk
VOL reads hits hits hits hits reads
---- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
0 23089135 3983591 243 0 47308 20092317
read read
check check insert full partial disk
VOL reqs hits reqs overwrite overwrite writes
---- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
0 4014500 2033274 965518 3290 187790 0
Cache Pool 0 Cache Pool 1 Cache Pool 2
------------------- ------------------- -------------------
WB blks % Dirty WB blks % Dirty WB blks % Dirty WB blks % Dirty
VOL current Limit high Limit high Limit high Limit
---- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
0 5129 2 12771 6 15775 7 12761 6
+---------- cache blocks evicted after ---------+ evicted blocks
VOL fetch hit prefetch pftch hit write total in-use
---- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
0 18137518 70172 23524605 29676370 11431433 82840098 150394
prefetch prefetch pct
VOL hit blocks miss blocks hits
---- ------------------- ------------------- ----
0 1896349824 1505574720 55
value = 139928058009584 = 0x7f438a3117f0
-> vdmShowVGInfo
Total Volume Groups: ............. 12
Seq:1 / RAID 6 / VGCompleteState / TLP:F / DLP:T / SSM:T / ActDrv:10 / InActDrv:0 / VolCnt:1 / Secure:No
BlockSize:512 / LPE:3 / DBF:2 / PI Capable:T - 2 / Label:vg0 / VGWwn:6d039ea0000201a8000001945dd3fc4a / RsvdSpace: 5 (GB)
(Active) Drive:0x000000024661e240 devnum:0x00010100 seqNum:1 Tray/Slot:00/01 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x000000024661e530 devnum:0x0001000f seqNum:2 Tray/Slot:99/16 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x000000024661e820 devnum:0x0001011e seqNum:3 Tray/Slot:00/31 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x000000024661eb10 devnum:0x0001002d seqNum:4 Tray/Slot:99/46 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466352e0 devnum:0x00010131 seqNum:5 Tray/Slot:00/50 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x000000024661f0f0 devnum:0x00010004 seqNum:6 Tray/Slot:99/05 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x000000024661ee00 devnum:0x00010113 seqNum:7 Tray/Slot:00/20 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x000000024661f6d0 devnum:0x00010022 seqNum:8 Tray/Slot:99/35 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x000000024661f9c0 devnum:0x00010126 seqNum:9 Tray/Slot:00/39 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x000000024661fcb0 devnum:0x00010035 seqNum:10 Tray/Slot:99/54 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
Volumes: 0x00000 [O]
Seq:2 / RAID 6 / VGCompleteState / TLP:F / DLP:T / SSM:T / ActDrv:10 / InActDrv:0 / VolCnt:1 / Secure:No
BlockSize:512 / LPE:3 / DBF:2 / PI Capable:T - 2 / Label:vg1 / VGWwn:6d039ea0000201a8000001955dd3fc4c / RsvdSpace: 5 (GB)
(Active) Drive:0x000000024661ffa0 devnum:0x00010103 seqNum:1 Tray/Slot:00/04 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246620290 devnum:0x00010012 seqNum:2 Tray/Slot:99/19 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246620580 devnum:0x00010121 seqNum:3 Tray/Slot:00/34 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246a3f2d0 devnum:0x00010025 seqNum:4 Tray/Slot:99/38 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246620b60 devnum:0x00010134 seqNum:5 Tray/Slot:00/53 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x000000024683dc48 devnum:0x00010007 seqNum:6 Tray/Slot:99/08 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002496193c8 devnum:0x00010116 seqNum:7 Tray/Slot:00/23 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246621430 devnum:0x0001001a seqNum:8 Tray/Slot:99/27 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246621720 devnum:0x00010129 seqNum:9 Tray/Slot:00/42 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246621a10 devnum:0x00010038 seqNum:10 Tray/Slot:99/57 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
Volumes: 0x00001 [D]
Seq:3 / RAID 6 / VGCompleteState / TLP:F / DLP:T / SSM:T / ActDrv:10 / InActDrv:0 / VolCnt:1 / Secure:No
BlockSize:512 / LPE:3 / DBF:3 / PI Capable:T - 2 / Label:vg2 / VGWwn:6d039ea0000201a8000001965dd3fc4d / RsvdSpace: 5 (GB)
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246621d00 devnum:0x00010106 seqNum:1 Tray/Slot:00/07 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246621ff0 devnum:0x00010015 seqNum:2 Tray/Slot:99/22 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466222e0 devnum:0x00010119 seqNum:3 Tray/Slot:00/26 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466225d0 devnum:0x00010028 seqNum:4 Tray/Slot:99/41 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466228c0 devnum:0x00010137 seqNum:5 Tray/Slot:00/56 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x000000024661f3e0 devnum:0x0001000a seqNum:6 Tray/Slot:99/11 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246631820 devnum:0x0001010e seqNum:7 Tray/Slot:00/15 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246623190 devnum:0x0001001d seqNum:8 Tray/Slot:99/30 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246622ea0 devnum:0x0001012c seqNum:9 Tray/Slot:00/45 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246623770 devnum:0x0001003b seqNum:10 Tray/Slot:99/60 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
Volumes: 0x00002 [O]
Seq:4 / RAID 6 / VGCompleteState / TLP:F / DLP:T / SSM:T / ActDrv:10 / InActDrv:0 / VolCnt:1 / Secure:No
BlockSize:512 / LPE:3 / DBF:3 / PI Capable:T - 2 / Label:vg3 / VGWwn:6d039ea0000201a8000001975dd3fc4f / RsvdSpace: 5 (GB)
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246623a60 devnum:0x00010109 seqNum:1 Tray/Slot:00/10 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466280e0 devnum:0x0001000d seqNum:2 Tray/Slot:99/14 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246624040 devnum:0x0001011c seqNum:3 Tray/Slot:00/29 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246624330 devnum:0x0001002b seqNum:4 Tray/Slot:99/44 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246624620 devnum:0x0001013a seqNum:5 Tray/Slot:00/59 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246624910 devnum:0x00010002 seqNum:6 Tray/Slot:99/03 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246624c00 devnum:0x00010111 seqNum:7 Tray/Slot:00/18 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246624ef0 devnum:0x00010020 seqNum:8 Tray/Slot:99/33 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466251e0 devnum:0x0001012f seqNum:9 Tray/Slot:00/48 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466254d0 devnum:0x00010030 seqNum:10 Tray/Slot:99/49 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
Volumes: 0x00003 [O]
Seq:5 / RAID 6 / VGCompleteState / TLP:F / DLP:T / SSM:T / ActDrv:10 / InActDrv:0 / VolCnt:1 / Secure:No
BlockSize:512 / LPE:3 / DBF:2 / PI Capable:T - 2 / Label:vg4 / VGWwn:6d039ea0000201a8000001985dd3fc50 / RsvdSpace: 5 (GB)
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466257c0 devnum:0x00010101 seqNum:1 Tray/Slot:00/02 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246625ab0 devnum:0x00010010 seqNum:2 Tray/Slot:99/17 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246625da0 devnum:0x0001011f seqNum:3 Tray/Slot:00/32 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246626090 devnum:0x0001002e seqNum:4 Tray/Slot:99/47 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246626380 devnum:0x00010132 seqNum:5 Tray/Slot:00/51 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246626670 devnum:0x00010005 seqNum:6 Tray/Slot:99/06 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246626960 devnum:0x00010114 seqNum:7 Tray/Slot:00/21 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246626c50 devnum:0x00010023 seqNum:8 Tray/Slot:99/36 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246626f40 devnum:0x00010124 seqNum:9 Tray/Slot:00/37 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x000000024663a230 devnum:0x00010033 seqNum:10 Tray/Slot:99/52 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
Volumes: 0x00004 [O]
Seq:6 / RAID 6 / VGCompleteState / TLP:F / DLP:T / SSM:T / ActDrv:10 / InActDrv:0 / VolCnt:1 / Secure:No
BlockSize:512 / LPE:3 / DBF:2 / PI Capable:T - 2 / Label:vg5 / VGWwn:6d039ea0000201a8000001995dd3fc52 / RsvdSpace: 5 (GB)
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246627520 devnum:0x00010104 seqNum:1 Tray/Slot:00/05 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246627810 devnum:0x00010013 seqNum:2 Tray/Slot:99/20 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246627b00 devnum:0x00010122 seqNum:3 Tray/Slot:00/35 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246627df0 devnum:0x00010026 seqNum:4 Tray/Slot:99/39 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246632cb0 devnum:0x00010135 seqNum:5 Tray/Slot:00/54 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466283d0 devnum:0x00010008 seqNum:6 Tray/Slot:99/09 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466286c0 devnum:0x00010117 seqNum:7 Tray/Slot:00/24 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466289b0 devnum:0x00010018 seqNum:8 Tray/Slot:99/25 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246628ca0 devnum:0x00010127 seqNum:9 Tray/Slot:00/40 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246628f90 devnum:0x00010036 seqNum:10 Tray/Slot:99/55 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
Volumes: 0x00005 [O]
Seq:7 / RAID 6 / VGCompleteState / TLP:F / DLP:T / SSM:T / ActDrv:10 / InActDrv:0 / VolCnt:1 / Secure:No
BlockSize:512 / LPE:3 / DBF:2 / PI Capable:T - 2 / Label:vg6 / VGWwn:6d039ea0000201a80000019a5dd3fc53 / RsvdSpace: 5 (GB)
(Active) Drive:0x000000024662f4e0 devnum:0x00010107 seqNum:1 Tray/Slot:00/08 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x000000024662f7d0 devnum:0x00010016 seqNum:2 Tray/Slot:99/23 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x000000024662fac0 devnum:0x0001011a seqNum:3 Tray/Slot:00/27 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x000000024662fdb0 devnum:0x00010029 seqNum:4 Tray/Slot:99/42 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466300a0 devnum:0x00010138 seqNum:5 Tray/Slot:00/57 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246630390 devnum:0x0001000b seqNum:6 Tray/Slot:99/12 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246630680 devnum:0x0001010c seqNum:7 Tray/Slot:00/13 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246630970 devnum:0x0001001b seqNum:8 Tray/Slot:99/28 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246630c60 devnum:0x0001012a seqNum:9 Tray/Slot:00/43 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246630f50 devnum:0x00010039 seqNum:10 Tray/Slot:99/58 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
Volumes: 0x00006 [O]
Seq:8 / RAID 6 / VGCompleteState / TLP:F / DLP:T / SSM:T / ActDrv:10 / InActDrv:0 / VolCnt:1 / Secure:No
BlockSize:512 / LPE:3 / DBF:2 / PI Capable:T - 2 / Label:vg7 / VGWwn:6d039ea0000201a80000019b5dd3fc55 / RsvdSpace: 5 (GB)
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246631240 devnum:0x0001010a seqNum:1 Tray/Slot:00/11 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246631530 devnum:0x0001000e seqNum:2 Tray/Slot:99/15 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246639380 devnum:0x0001011d seqNum:3 Tray/Slot:00/30 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002492e4468 devnum:0x0001002c seqNum:4 Tray/Slot:99/45 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246631e00 devnum:0x0001013b seqNum:5 Tray/Slot:00/60 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466320f0 devnum:0x00010000 seqNum:6 Tray/Slot:99/01 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466323e0 devnum:0x0001010f seqNum:7 Tray/Slot:00/16 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466326d0 devnum:0x0001001e seqNum:8 Tray/Slot:99/31 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466329c0 devnum:0x0001012d seqNum:9 Tray/Slot:00/46 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246639960 devnum:0x00010031 seqNum:10 Tray/Slot:99/50 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
Volumes: 0x00007 [O]
Seq:9 / RAID 6 / VGCompleteState / TLP:F / DLP:T / SSM:T / ActDrv:10 / InActDrv:0 / VolCnt:1 / Secure:No
BlockSize:512 / LPE:3 / DBF:2 / PI Capable:T - 2 / Label:vg8 / VGWwn:6d039ea0000201a80000019c5dd3fc56 / RsvdSpace: 5 (GB)
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246632fa0 devnum:0x00010102 seqNum:1 Tray/Slot:00/03 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246633290 devnum:0x00010011 seqNum:2 Tray/Slot:99/18 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246633580 devnum:0x00010120 seqNum:3 Tray/Slot:00/33 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246633870 devnum:0x0001002f seqNum:4 Tray/Slot:99/48 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246633b60 devnum:0x00010130 seqNum:5 Tray/Slot:00/49 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246633e50 devnum:0x00010003 seqNum:6 Tray/Slot:99/04 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246634140 devnum:0x00010112 seqNum:7 Tray/Slot:00/19 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246634430 devnum:0x00010021 seqNum:8 Tray/Slot:99/34 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246634720 devnum:0x00010125 seqNum:9 Tray/Slot:00/38 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246634a10 devnum:0x00010034 seqNum:10 Tray/Slot:99/53 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
Volumes: 0x00008 [O]
Seq:10 / RAID 6 / VGCompleteState / TLP:F / DLP:T / SSM:T / ActDrv:10 / InActDrv:0 / VolCnt:1 / Secure:No
BlockSize:512 / LPE:3 / DBF:2 / PI Capable:T - 2 / Label:vg9 / VGWwn:6d039ea0000201a80000019d5dd3fc57 / RsvdSpace: 5 (GB)
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246634d00 devnum:0x00010105 seqNum:1 Tray/Slot:00/06 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246627230 devnum:0x00010014 seqNum:2 Tray/Slot:99/21 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246623d50 devnum:0x00010123 seqNum:3 Tray/Slot:00/36 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466355d0 devnum:0x00010024 seqNum:4 Tray/Slot:99/37 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466358c0 devnum:0x00010133 seqNum:5 Tray/Slot:00/52 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246635bb0 devnum:0x00010006 seqNum:6 Tray/Slot:99/07 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246635ea0 devnum:0x00010115 seqNum:7 Tray/Slot:00/22 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246636190 devnum:0x00010019 seqNum:8 Tray/Slot:99/26 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246636480 devnum:0x00010128 seqNum:9 Tray/Slot:00/41 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246636770 devnum:0x00010037 seqNum:10 Tray/Slot:99/56 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
Volumes: 0x00009 [O]
Seq:11 / RAID 6 / VGCompleteState / TLP:F / DLP:T / SSM:T / ActDrv:10 / InActDrv:0 / VolCnt:1 / Secure:No
BlockSize:512 / LPE:3 / DBF:2 / PI Capable:T - 2 / Label:vg10 / VGWwn:6d039ea0000201a80000019e5dd3fc59 / RsvdSpace: 5 (GB)
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246636a60 devnum:0x00010108 seqNum:1 Tray/Slot:00/09 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246636d50 devnum:0x00010017 seqNum:2 Tray/Slot:99/24 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246637040 devnum:0x00010118 seqNum:3 Tray/Slot:00/25 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246637330 devnum:0x00010027 seqNum:4 Tray/Slot:99/40 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246637620 devnum:0x00010136 seqNum:5 Tray/Slot:00/55 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246637910 devnum:0x00010009 seqNum:6 Tray/Slot:99/10 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246637c00 devnum:0x0001010d seqNum:7 Tray/Slot:00/14 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246637ef0 devnum:0x0001001c seqNum:8 Tray/Slot:99/29 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466381e0 devnum:0x0001012b seqNum:9 Tray/Slot:00/44 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466384d0 devnum:0x0001003a seqNum:10 Tray/Slot:99/59 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
Volumes: 0x0000a [O]
Seq:12 / RAID 6 / VGCompleteState / TLP:F / DLP:T / SSM:T / ActDrv:10 / InActDrv:0 / VolCnt:1 / Secure:No
BlockSize:512 / LPE:3 / DBF:3 / PI Capable:T - 2 / Label:vg11 / VGWwn:6d039ea0000201a80000019f5dd3fc5a / RsvdSpace: 5 (GB)
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246622bb0 devnum:0x0001010b seqNum:1 Tray/Slot:00/12 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x00000002466387c0 devnum:0x0001000c seqNum:2 Tray/Slot:99/13 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246638ab0 devnum:0x0001011b seqNum:3 Tray/Slot:00/28 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246638da0 devnum:0x0001002a seqNum:4 Tray/Slot:99/43 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246639090 devnum:0x00010139 seqNum:5 Tray/Slot:00/58 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246634ff0 devnum:0x00010001 seqNum:6 Tray/Slot:99/02 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246639670 devnum:0x00010110 seqNum:7 Tray/Slot:00/17 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246623480 devnum:0x0001001f seqNum:8 Tray/Slot:99/32 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246639c50 devnum:0x0001012e seqNum:9 Tray/Slot:00/47 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
(Active) Drive:0x0000000246639f40 devnum:0x00010032 seqNum:10 Tray/Slot:99/51 State:Acc/GrA/Opt
Volumes: 0x0000b [O]
value = 139927976262160 = 0x7f438551ba10