EF & E-Series, SANtricity, and Related Plug-ins

Old E2600 controller replacement


Hello, I'd like to share my experience with attempting to replace a contoller on an *old* 2600 series netapp, and see if anyone has other ideas or suggestions to try and get this thing fully working again.

This system is not under support, and my dealings with netapp support trying to get some help were met with a "no way no how" attitude towards fixing this, but were eager to help quote a new appliance.  thanks, but no thanks.  (Also, thanks netapp for blocking most support articles unless you have a valid support contract for that type of device, that made it soooo much easier </sarc>.  I finally found my way into most of those anyways.) 

This all started when Controller A fried, and disappeared from SANtricity.  looking at the remaining controller and the physical box i pulled out of the shelf, I searched for an appropriate replacement.  nothing could be found that matched exactly, so I widened the search and found a couple controllers that were "close".  Knowing it was a long shot, i bought them on eBay and subsequently went down the OE L7 submodel mismatch rabbit hole.  I knew then I would need to get into the serial console to find out what it thought the submodel ID was.  (I also found a possible way to change it, although without access I have no way to try it.)

To top it off, the iSCSI expansion card would make the new controller hang with .88. "This ESM is being held in reset by another ESM" and it would not boot.  There is a distinct lack of documentation on this error or how/if it can be resolved.  (This device is old enough that it should not matter what kind of HIC is in it without an unlock key from netapp.)  Is the expansion card toast?  because there are none with the same model number anywhere on the second/third hand market.  and I assume that it won't work if there are two different models in the controllers.  please correct me if I am wrong.

Doing my own research I was able to connect to the PS2 serial console port, (I will post the pinout below in case it will help anyone else, i spent hours trying to find it and ultimately made it by a little trial and error) and all of the console passwords i could find on google failed to log me in.   So I am now at a standstill, and am open to any information the community may have.  System details are posted below, it is a 12 drive system, manufactured when LSI still made these (2612).



Chassis (info from stickers and labels)

Class:  3650

Model: 0834


Controller B (info from SANtricity app)

Firmware version:

Model name:  2650

Board ID:       2660

Submodel ID:  153

Product ID:    INF-01-00        

Revision:       0810

Replacement part number:   M102276

Part number:  45234-04         

Vendor:         LSI      

Date of manufacture: August 4, 2010

Memory:       2,048 MB (DDR2)


Controller A (info from stickers and labels)

Model: Drive Module I/F-5 (found on main label)

MFG:   406066-002 (found on main label)

Misc:   E142277 (found on main label)

Misc:   P45234-06-A (this was the only number on this label)

Misc:   P42153-08-A (on a label that also listed the serial number and MAC addresses for the management ports)

Assembly/Rev: L2-25063-16A (sticker on Motherboard)


Disks (info from SANtricity app):

Raw capacity: 558.912 GB (labeled as 600GB)

Speed:          15,000 RPM

Current data rate:     6 Gbps

Logical sector size:    512 bytes

Physical sector size:   512 bytes

Product ID:    ST3600057SS      

Drive firmware version:        MS06

Manufacturer: SEAGATE  

Date of manufacture: December 15, 2010


Host Interface Board (iSCSI 4x 1GbE, info from SANtricity app and labels)

Location:       Slot 1

Type:  iSCSI

Number of ports:      4

Board ID:       0501

Replacement part number:   L2-38085-11

Part number:  PN L2-38085-11

Vendor:         VN LSI

Date of manufacture: August 1, 2010

Assembly:     L2-38085-11C (From sticker on PCB)

FRU PN:        M102276 (This was on the faceplate for the HID card)


Serial connection defaulted to 38400,8,N,1,N

DB9 to PS2 pinout (does not need null modem with this pinout)



2----2 (RXD----TXD)

3----1 (TXD----RXD)


5----3 (Signal Ground)







Hi. Hope this helps. Instructions in the file.


You can tell how to change the model ID. 

Thank you.




Hi Sergei,

I have an LSI 2600 storage array and it has meager issue. Maybe you can help me.

Can I skype you.

Thank you (Djakuju 🙂 )


The article is working. Tomorrow I will try to update the controllers. According to the result I will write.


As a followup, now that the device is no longer in service and I can mess with it without risking data, I have been able to get into the serial console.  The SPRI interface still will not let me use it with the default password, but I can work around that now.


I successfully reprogrammed one of my eBay controllers to the correct submodel ID (google "DS5K Controller shows SubModMis Lockdown error") and was able to get it to boot, sync firmware, etc.  The problem now is still the iSCSI expander card.  Whenever it is plugged in, the controller will not boot and errors with 88 (held in reset) and goes no further, the working controller cannot see it and I cannot perform any operations on it.


I'm guessing at this point the card is fried.  I will update here again if I do get it working, but I'm not hopeful at this point.
