EF & E-Series, SANtricity, and Related Plug-ins

RHE shares access with Windows


Helo we want  add a new Red Hat Enterprise linux server in a customer´s data center with the requirement that it shares access to dataset that is currently used by Windows servers. Do you some do know, how do that? Thank you



So you're wanting both a Windows Server client and a Redhat client to access the same share/data? 


You'll need to set up multiprotocol access to the share for this to work, including name mapping. Generally it's recommended to set the security style of the share to be the one that correlates with the most users. More Windows users should have it as NTFS, more Redhat/Linux users, it should be UNIX. Mixed is supported but generally not recommended. 


See below docs for further details on setting up Multiprotocol NAS access.






This Flackbox video tutorial is a good overview as well.





View solution in original post



So you're wanting both a Windows Server client and a Redhat client to access the same share/data? 


You'll need to set up multiprotocol access to the share for this to work, including name mapping. Generally it's recommended to set the security style of the share to be the one that correlates with the most users. More Windows users should have it as NTFS, more Redhat/Linux users, it should be UNIX. Mixed is supported but generally not recommended. 


See below docs for further details on setting up Multiprotocol NAS access.






This Flackbox video tutorial is a good overview as well.






The links above are for FAS/ONTAP systems.

GreenHornP posted this question in the "EF & E-Series, SANtricity, and Related Plug-ins" forum so I am assuming they are asking if an E-Series system can have a RHEL host and Windows host mapped to the same LUN/volume which can be done.


For E-Series/SANtricity systems, you can set up multi-host volume access with the links below.

  1. Configure the Linux host for multipathing: Linux express configuration overview
  2. Create entry for Linux host on E-Series system: Create host manually
  3. Create a host cluster on the E-Series and add the Windows host and Linux host to the host cluster: Create host cluster
  4. Assign volumes to host cluster: Assign volumes

Note: If you move volume assignments from the Windows host to the newly defined host group, the current connections between the Windows host and the volumes will be interrupted briefly.

Note: You can choose to assign volumes to only the Windows host, to only the RHEL host, or to the host cluster that includes both hosts.

Team NetApp


> asking if an E-Series system can have a RHEL host and Windows host mapped to the same LUN/volume which can be done.


It can be done, but they'd need a cluster file system with heterogeneous OS support to make that work at the same time. If access isn't concurrent then you don't need a CFS but you still need a FS that can be recognized by the both OS. There are drivers for that out there, but that approach seems pointless.



> You'll need to set up multiprotocol access to the share for this to work, including name mapping. Generally it's recommended to set the security style of the share to be the one that correlates with the most users. 


Assuming the Windows data is on an ONTAP SMB share, it's easier to use SMB client and avoid those complications.


Also the Q should be moved to the right area (if it's not an E-Series question).


> Helo we want  add a new Red Hat Enterprise linux server in a customer´s data center with the requirement that it shares access to dataset that is currently used by Windows servers


Access what data for what purpose, @GreenHornP ?


