Trying to help a customer which uses smcli but keep getting this error below. Please advise, thanks!
$ cat
if echo $@ | grep -q -- "-f " ; then
jre/bin/java -Ddevmgr.dmv.featureOption=FULL_FEATURE -DMANAGEMENT_APP_STARTUP_MODE=3 -Ddevmgr.datadir=. -classpath "SANtricity_11.50 V1.1pkg.jar;jhall.jar;sevenzip.jar;." devmgr.cli.CommandLineInterface localhost -n "E2724 SAS" -f $2
my_command=$(echo $@ | sed 's/-c//g')
jre/bin/java -Ddevmgr.dmv.featureOption=FULL_FEATURE -DMANAGEMENT_APP_STARTUP_MODE=3 -Ddevmgr.datadir=. -classpath "SANtricity_11.50 V1.1pkg.jar;jhall.jar;sevenzip.jar;." devmgr.cli.CommandLineInterface localhost -n "E2724 SAS" <<!
However, the layout of the simulator seems to be completely different, so locating the classpath is tricky. I’ve tried multiple incantations – but always get:
Error: Could not find or load main class devmgr.cli.CommandLineInterface