Hello everyone,
I am experiencing some odd transfer speeds on my SAN.
Quick background, I am running a single core nexus 3064 10gb, which connects to 2x cisco UCS hosts running vmware, which connect to 2 isolated 3064 10gb which then connect to a FAS2552 (see attached image)
When i test speeds between devices i get the following results:
vm on ucs1 local disk --> lun ::: this starts around 1.2GBps transfer speeds and drops after seconds and fluctuates between 80 & 250MBps
vm on ucs2 local disk --> lun ::: this starts around 1.2GBps and lasts ~twice as long as ucs1 then fluctuates betweeen 50 & 60MBps
vm on ucs2 lun --> lun attached to ucs1 ::: starts around 300MBps and fluctuates between 50 & 60MBps
vm on ucs2 lun --> lun attached to the same server, but presented as a different drive, starts at 300 and drops to 50-60mbps
simple copy and pasting file into the excat same location eg e:\test.txt to e:\test_copy.txt starts at 200, drops to 100-160mbps.
There is definitely something wrong here i just cant put my finger on it will all the device involved in a flexpod solution.
Guidance would be greatly appreciated.