General Discussion

Clear Broadcom RCF while retaining remote SSH connectivity


We are using Broadcom BES53248 switches for our cluster networking and need to update EFOS and the RCF file.  This page ( in Step 2.5 gives the warning of "When updating or applying a new RCF, you must erase the switch settings and perform basic configuration. You must be connected to the switch using the serial console to erase switch settings."  However, there is a link in the "About this task" section that points to which will allow you to retain remote connectivity after clearing the RCF file.


My concern is that I copied and pasted the commands from both pages related to clearing the RCF file (Step 2.5C in the docs link and the commands from the KB) and they are exactly the same.  I'm worried that the docs page was updated with the steps to retain remote connectivity but the wording about needing a physical connection wasn't removed or possibly that the KB page wasn't updated with the correct steps to clear the RCF and retain remote connectivity.  Does anyone have any experience with this?



It does seem confusing. Basically, what they are saying is - Ensure there is a reachable "management IP" address after the write erase and reload is executed.  Once the management IP address is reachable again, log in to the switch through SSH and apply the new RCF.  You may need to update host file entries related to the SSH keys.


KB last updated:30/11/23

Doc page is updated:17/10/23 -older.


You may also just call the Support and get this confusion sorted.
