I am trying to integrate Netapp cluster with Service now, so that SNOW can do the discovery every day and I can build automation on that.
I just provided the IP address and the user credentials (User with RestAPI read-only access). I have tested the user by executing some API calls and I can able to see the results.
But from Service Now, discovery is getting failed with the below error
`Request not sent to uri= https://xx.xx.xxx.xxx/api/v1/edge-clusters : java.net.SocketException: Socket is closed`
I couldn't see this API in our ONTAP API's Swagger page.
In my cluster, TLS was enabled, and SSL was disabled (as recommended in SNOW document).
SNMP is still in enabled state, but from Service now, we mentioned not to use SNMP.
Anything I am missing here? Why I got that above error?