Legacy Product Discussions

S500 catastrophic hardware failure ... am I out in the cold?



We had a power event in our server rack - the UPS in the rack ceased to function for reasons we're still investigating ...

When we re-cabled our S500 to power, it's not coming back up. Connecting a monitor, I see it's only seeing a few of the total available drives when it scans the scsi bus, and I notice that not all of the drives light up (brief flicker on a few of them) when I power up the box.

The LCD panel on the front reports "E2" and I get past a grub prompt to some kernel-loading kind of line but then the box just seems to hang - nothing more on the monitor.

I'm probably going to be spending a lot of time on this and it's early yet today, but I thought I'd put the feelers out there to see what my options are at this point? This is a discontinued/orphaned product - is there a manual that might help me determine if this is a hardware problem (perhaps a power surge fried something) and is there a source for spare parts if we do determine something just burned out? What's the best way to interact with an S500 that doesn't come up on the network - serial cable? Monitor like I've been doing?

Finally, are there any companies who sell support for this device?

Of course not everything's backed up ... we were kind of counting on the unit's redundancy and considered such a catastrophic hardware failure unlikely ...




So apparently I am out in the cold - I cannot purchase support from NetApp for the S500, and support has expired.

The problem I was experiencing was that only a small % of the drives were being detected at boot time. First two of them, and when I moved some drives around I got to 4 of the 8 drives, ... but of course it could not boot with only 4 drives.

Fortunately, after a few hours of being powered on and off, once I had a serial console and dropped booted into the diagnostics image once, it seemed to recognize all its drives and magically boot. The box had been without power for a week - I'm wondering if something BIOS-related needed to recharge before it sprang to life?

Off I go to buy a 2TB external drive so that I can dump all the files 😉

