Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Current Version: 1.5
Clustered Data ONTAP (also known as ONTAP) uses self-signed certificates by default for management
of the environment. These certificates have a typical expiration date of 1 year (365 days).
This KB describes the process to recreate the certificates:
This script handles the steps outlined in the article by doing the following:
Article link updated by Admin on Sept 29, 2020.
Updated to 1.1 with some additional prompts prior to recreating certificates.
Updated version to 1.2 to resolve issue with ONTAP 9 and enahancing the checks for self-signed certificates.
Trying to test this at the moment but i getting the following error on the following lines -
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At line:302 char:9
+ $GetCertificateResults = $GetCertificateResults.ToString()
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At line:304 char:13
+ If ($GetCertificateResults.contains($SerialNumber)) {
Do you have any ideas ?
Edit Ignore This - redownloaded the file and the formatting was fixed.
Sorry I wasn't able to respond earlier. I saw your edit - are you OK now?
Getting the same errors as EHooper, unfortunately a redownload didn't correct the issue for me. Any ideas on what could be causing the errors?
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression. At C:\Users\REDACTED\Downloads\RiskResolverCertificate.ps1:308 char:9 + $GetCertificateResults = $GetCertificateResults.ToString() + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression. At C:\Users\REDACTED\Downloads\RiskResolverCertificate.ps1:310 char:13 + If ($GetCertificateResults.contains($SerialNumber)) { + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeMethodOnNull
That set of results are achieved from an "Invoke-NcSsh" cmdlet. Starting in the most recent versions of the NetApp PowerShell Toolkit, Putty version 0.70 is required to run SSH commands. It isn't exactly clear in the installer, but talks about it in the FAQ. Can you install that verison of Putty and ensure it is in your path and then attempt the script again?
Thank you for the reply. Putty 0.70 is installed on my system and I am still encountering the same error. You mentioned that I should ensure that Putty is installed in my path. Is there a specific location that I am supposed to install putty?
Two thinigs. First to make sure putty is working correctly you can see your PATH statement with the "set" command from the command prompt. You can also execute "putty.exe" from any directory you are CD'ed into and it should launch.
The other thing is look at EHooper's post about issues with copying the script out from a download. We can only attach txt files so the way you download or copy might have formatting issues when saved as a .ps1.
You get this error if you open the text file first then then copy it into powershell or ISE. The reason for this is the the line that is below
"#sleep between invoke SSH runs to ensure ONTAP is ready"
is all bunched up into one line and then the varible will be null because it wont run. When you open the file in ISE originally you will see it like this
Line 1 #Only return if shows as self-signed, had to reduce fields for ONTAP to return successfully
Line 2 #$GetCertificateCommand = "security certificate show -common-name $CommonName -serial $SerialNumber -ca $CertificateAuthority -type $Type -size $Size -start $StartDateDT -expiration $ExpirationDateDT -public-cert $PublicCertificate -country $Country -state $State -locality $Locality -organization $Organization -unit $OrganizationUnit -email-addr $EmailAddress -protocol $Protocol -hash-function $HashFunction -self-signed true"
Line 3 - $GetCertificateCommand = "security certificate show -common-name $CommonName -serial $SerialNumber -ca $CertificateAuthority -type $Type -protocol $Protocol -hash-function $HashFunction -self-signed true"
Line - 4 $GetCertificateResults = Invoke-NcSsh $GetCertificateCommand
Line - 5 $GetCertificateResults = $GetCertificateResults.ToString()
i noticed that there was an error on the following line in your original script -
#The script will now check if the current cerificate is node specific
If (($NumberOfNodes -ne 1 -and $Nodes -contains $Vserver) -or ($NumberOfNodes -eq 1 -and $Nodes.Node -eq $Vserver)) {
I had to change it to
#The script will now check if the current cerificate is node specific
If (($NumberOfNodes -ne 1 -and $Nodes.node -contains $Vserver) -or ($NumberOfNodes -eq 1 -and $Nodes.Node -eq $Vserver)) {
If the .node isnt added it wont pick up the node names when you have multiple nodes. I tested both ways and .nodes wwas the only one that made it work.
Your note about the command line, are you using version 1.3 of the script? That is what should be attached here and that line is different in this version (including the difference you noted with the node parameter).
please ignore this reply, sorry.
Thanks for digging into that! That's one of the challenges here is that the community site won't allow .ps1 attachments so it has to be text. Great work - thanks again.
Excellent work, thank you!
When downloading, just do a "save-as" and change the extension to .ps1 or download with the default name and then change the extension to .ps1.
That way the formatting doesn't get messed up.
Not sure why anybody would even be opening it as a regular text file to copy out the contents to a new file. That is quite pointless and unnessesary.
Updated to version 1.4. Got rid of any need for the Invoke-NcSsh cmdlet and accounted for the new server-ca types added in by default in ONTAP 9.3+.
Thank you so much for creating this script and keeping it up to date!!
Would it be possible to use credentials from the current session?
We have setup AD authentication on all NetApps and it would be convenient to not get prompted for the admin credentials for each system.
Thank you!
I'm glad it is working well for you. I wish there was a way to pass AD credentials, but so far it doesn't look like there is a way in PS or the toolkit to do that.
Updated to version 1.5 with these changes:
1.5 - Set toolkit import just to import and not check for version (due to new versioning of current releases)
Added option to check certificates that expire X number of days in the future
Added a check if there are multiple certificates in the same SVM not to continue if they are of the same common name
Added more inline comments