Microsoft Virtualization Discussions

2012 Hyper-V Cluster CSV



I have searched a good amount on the internet and i have yet to see a best practice for the maximum size of a hyper-V CSV.

Is there a best practice on sizing your csv's?



Should have mentioned we are using Windows Server 2012


Its depends on a bunch of stuff.

How many VMs are you running, how many hosts in your cluster, will you require backups, how much total space will your VMs need?

I assume you have a dual controller netapp SAN?


We are currently running about 70 VM's. And we have a 4 node 2012 Hyper-V cluster. Right now the CSV that they are on is about 10 TB. However we are not currently looking into splitting the guest VM's up by OS into separate volumes. Also creating Separate volumes  for each other role the. Putting all the SQL Drives into one volume. All the SQL Tlogs into one volume and so on. Heard that is how to get the best de-dupe out of the systems.

As stated in this document.

That all being said that should reduce the size of the CSV which we are currently passing up to the Hyper-v hosts.


Its not much to find out there because its part Art and part Science.

The maximum CSV size would depend on the maximum size LUN you can create(my system is capped at 16TB) on your Netapp.

But that doesn't mean you should just because you can.

How many controllers single or dual? 7-mode or Cluster mode? Are these production or DEV/QA VMs?

Assuming your SAN is dual controller running 7 mode and assuming the load on your SAN is already balanced.

I would do a minimum of two 5TB CSVs or a maximum of four 2.5TB CSVs.:

1 6TB Volume with one 5TB LUN on controller A(that extra 1TB is for snapshots if you are you them)

1 6TB Volume with one 5TB LUN on controller B(same as above)

Make sure to thin provision both the Volume and the LUN

The idea is to spread the load across 2 controllers to better utilize your SAN. If you start to grow, say to 110 VMs total, you would just expand the Volume and LUN to satisfy requirements.

To get the absolute best de-dupe, you would leave it as is, on that single 10TB CSV. But to better utilize your SAN, spread the load across both controllers.

For the four 2.5TB configuration:

I would do:

1 6TB Volume contacting two 2.5TB LUNs on controller A

1 6TB Volume containing two 2.5TB LUNs on controller B.

CSV 2.0 while better in Windows 2012, still rely on doing metadata updates, this is when VM1 hosted on HOST2, has its vhd(x) files on a CSV

owned by HOST1. Now you could minimize/eliminate that by:

Making sure all VMs on HOST1 have there VHDs stored on CSV1 owned by HOST1(you can see the csv owner in cluster manager>Storage>Disks)

Making sure all VMs on HOST2 have there VHDs stored on CSV2 owned by HOST2.

and so on.....

Also, make sure set your de-dupe jobs to run once a day, I find that running them once every 2,3,4 or 5 days makes the de-dupe process run longer because it has to de-dupe more change.

If you run it once a day its only de-duping data that has changed in the last 24 hours.

hope that helps


Thank you for your reply Ed.

We are running in 7 mode, however each head has different types of storage. Head 1 has SAS Head 2 has SATA. So unfortunately we are unable to spread the load between heads.


In that case, 2 CSVs minimum(to cut down on metadata I/O) with two 5TB luns.

And of course, make sure CSV1 is owned by HOST1 and CSV2 is owned by HOST2. In other words, make sure no one host owns both CSVs.
