Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Hi guys,
I would like to get the values of Autosize (maximum and increments) for all the volumes in the filer
I've tried 'Get-NaVol | Get-NaVolAutosize' but it gives no names of the volumes
any ideas?
Solved! See The Solution
Ah, when you write things quick in notepad this happens... Ok, give this a whilr
$vols = Get-navol
$vols | % {
$volume = $_
$autosize = get-navolautosize $volume -ea "silentlycontinue"
If ($autosize.isEnabled) {
$customobject = new-object psobject
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name Volume -value $volume
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name Autosize -value "enabled"
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name Max -value ([System.Math]::Floor($autosize.maximumsize/$unit))
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name increment -value ([System.Math]::Floor($autosize.incrementsize/$unit))
$global += $customobject
$global | ft -autosize
and then you can dump it to excel
$global | export-csv c:\temp\autosize.csv -notypeinformation
You're looking for something like this
$autosize = get-navolautosize $name -ea "silentlycontinue"
$unit = 1gb
If ($autosize.isEnabled) {
You can start with that in your loop, I use that for an excel output so it's a little different, but those are the properties you need
So in your case
$vols = Get-navol
$vols | % {
$volume = $_
$autosize = get-navolautosize $name -ea "silentlycontinue"
$unit = 1gb
If ($autosize.isEnabled) {
$max = [System.Math]::Floor($autosize.maximumsize/$unit)
$inc = [System.Math]::Floor($autosize.incrementsize/$unit)
write-host "Autosize: enabled " & "maximum size: " $max & "increment size: " $inc
Give that a shot, I didn't test it
Ampersand not allowed. The & operator is reserved for future use; use "&" to pass ampersand as a string.
At C:\autosize.ps1:9 char:35
+ write-host "Autosize: enabled " & <<<< "maximum size: " $max & "increment size: " $inc
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParseException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : AmpersandNotAllowed
thank you
I've changed it to this:
$vols = Get-navol
$vols | % {
$volume = $_
$autosize = get-navolautosize $name -ea "silentlycontinue"
$unit = 1gb
If ($autosize.isEnabled) {
$max = [System.Math]::Floor($autosize.maximumsize/$unit)
$inc = [System.Math]::Floor($autosize.incrementsize/$unit)}
write-host "Autosize: enabled "
write-host "maximum size: " $max
write-host "increment size: " $inc
but now I am getting this:
Get-NaVolAutosize : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Name' because it is null.
At C:\autosize.ps1:4 char:30
+ $autosize = get-navolautosize <<<< $name -ea "silentlycontinue"
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Get-NaVolAutosize], ParameterBindingValidationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,DataONTAP.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Volume.G
Autosize: enabled
maximum size:
increment size:
change $name to $volume
But we should do this the right way with custom objects
$vols = Get-navol
$vols | % {
$volume = $_
$autosize = get-navolautosize $volume -ea "silentlycontinue"
$unit = 1gb
If ($autosize.isEnabled) {
$customobject = new-object psobject
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name Volume -value $volume
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name Autosize -value "enabled"
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name Max -value [System.Math]::Floor($autosize.maximumsize/$unit)
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name increment -value [System.Math]::Floor($autosize.incrementsize/$unit)}
$global += $customobject
$global | ft -autosize
Try that
Add-Member : The SecondValue parameter is not necessary for a member of type "NoteProperty" and should not be specified
. Do not specify the SecondValue parameter when adding members of this type.
At C:\autosize2.ps1:13 char:13
+ add-member <<<< -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name increment -value [System.Math]::Floor($a
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Add-Member], InvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Value2ShouldNotBeSpecified,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.AddMemberCommand
Ah, when you write things quick in notepad this happens... Ok, give this a whilr
$vols = Get-navol
$vols | % {
$volume = $_
$autosize = get-navolautosize $volume -ea "silentlycontinue"
If ($autosize.isEnabled) {
$customobject = new-object psobject
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name Volume -value $volume
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name Autosize -value "enabled"
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name Max -value ([System.Math]::Floor($autosize.maximumsize/$unit))
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name increment -value ([System.Math]::Floor($autosize.incrementsize/$unit))
$global += $customobject
$global | ft -autosize
and then you can dump it to excel
$global | export-csv c:\temp\autosize.csv -notypeinformation a charm!!
thank you
now you just need to explain the 'Floor' command please
Floor is just round down to next whole number.. You can play with the formatting, but you should be more interested in the custom objects. You can export and import them.. Much easier for scripting
OK, you have my attention
so custom objects are basically properties that we have added to the 'get-navolautosize' cmdlet - what you would normally see with the get-member command, correct?
is it possible to get a table of the max autosize and the volume size (and volume name) - something like this:
name max_autosize vol_size
-------- ----------------- ----------
vol0 124GB 104GB
vol5 640GB 421GB
Yeah - that's easy
$vols = Get-navol
$vols | % {
$volume = $_
$size = ([System.Math]::Floor($_.totalsize/$unit))
$autosize = get-navolautosize $volume -ea "silentlycontinue"
If ($autosize.isEnabled) {
$customobject = new-object psobject
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name Volume -value $volume
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name size -value $size
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name Autosize -value "enabled"
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name Max -value ([System.Math]::Floor($autosize.maximumsize/$unit))
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name increment -value ([System.Math]::Floor($autosize.incrementsize/$unit))
$global += $customobject
$global | ft -autosize
Ok - enjoy, I need to get back to work.. if you want total volsize, use that full cmdlet. As for objects, you need to read up on them, they are pretty powerful