So, we ran into an issue where we needed to start a bunch of snapvaults that for some reason or the other failed to start. (root cause to be determined)
So I took this opportunity to test my netapp ps skills and for some reason i'm not liking what i'm seeing.
I'm running a simple query
get-nasnapvaultsecstatus | ? {$_.secondary -like "*servera*"} | Start-nasnapvaultsectransfer
But i'm met with a big error: Start-NaSnapvaultSecTransfer : The qtree idle is not configured in snapvault.
So, i said, that doesn't seem to be correct, so Then I did the following
get-nasnapvaultsecstatus | ? {$_.secondary -like "*servera*"} | Select Destinationpath | out-file c:\log.log
I figured I would hack my way through this and then did
gc c:\temp\log.log | % { start-nasnapvaultsectransfer $_ }
And i'm met with ..
At line:1 char:61
+ gc C:\log.log | % { start-nasnapvaultsectransfer <<<< $_ }
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (filer:NaController) [Start-NaSnapvaultSecTransfer], ESNAPVAULTSETUP
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ApiException,DataONTAP.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Snapvault.StartNaSnapvaultSecTransfer
Start-NaSnapvaultSecTransfer : The qtree blah/blah
is not configured in snapvault.
But the qtree's are 100% configured...
Ok, where' am I going wrong?