Hello Good Peoples,
I am having a problem creating a thin LUN with SnapDrive version 7 GUI. Previously i have created a sdparams.conf file in the root of the volume with the line "space_reservation_new_lun=off" within the file and this has enabled us to create Thin LUN's from the SnapDrive GUI but does not seem to be working anymore.
It is a while since I've done this and could be making a mistake, but would be good to see if anyone knows a way around this. We are using DataONTAP 8.0 7-Mode. Here is the NetApp PowerShell line i use to create the sdparams.conf file:
Write-NaFile -Path /vol/volume_name/sdparams.conf -Data "space_reservation_new_lun=off"
Any help would be much appreciated.
~ Jason