Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
What would be the equivalent Cmdlets for following filer commands:
Can you help me out?
Solved! See The Solution
Try this à Invoke-NaSsh "Snapvault stop"
The secondary systems must also be licensed as secondaries, chk if the license has been added
SnapVault Secondary: sv_ontap_sec
The only thing you need to make sure you do on the destination is run the "snapvault snap sched vol_name snapshot_name retention@-" - for example "snapvault snape sched sv_daily sv_dest 8@-". The reason the snapshot creation is failing on the destination is because you don't have a schedule setup for snapvault. Please note this won't transfer any data - all SnapVault will do is make sure you have 8 copies (in this example) available on the destination. This also eliminates the need to perform snap rename and snap delete commands to handle the retention/rotation of snapshot copies on the destination. Also, you want to make sure you use the "-s" option on your "snapvault update" command to make sure you are updating from the application consistent snapshot you are creating. Also, be sure to have your script run the "snapvault snap create" command after the update since the "snapvault update" doesn't create a snapshot on the destination when it's complete.
run the "snapvault snap sched" command on the destination and you should be able to continue. You need to perform from cli, check if these settings are done, it might help you.
I have added the licenses correctly and have tried snapvault operations manually on filer, its working fine.
When I try to run it through the UIA script by invoking the PowerShell Cmdlets, its giving the error.
So, what I need is the Cmdlet to be used to stop the snapvault.
Filer commands Cmdlets
Snapvault stop ???
Try this à Invoke-NaSsh "Snapvault stop"
Thanks Vinith,
I am able to run the filer commands from Powershell