Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Hi Team,
I need to get a list of snapshots for all volumes on the filer. However, when I execute the following command the out put says "Not Enough Memory". I have extended the memory to 5120 MB, still no luck.
Hi Krishna,
Is there any chance you could post a screenshot of the error or posted the exact wording and eloborate where the error appears... i.e doe it appear withing the PowerShell console?
Kind regards,
From a pure best practices you shouldn't have to do a select volumename b/c get-nasnapshot will accept from the pipeline the proper vol name
Try this to see if this works just in your powershell console
get-navol | % {
write-host "Volume Name:" $
get-nasnapshot $
See if you get output from that
Also - what were your specs again and what toolkit version
Hi Krishna,
I suspect you might be using an older version of the PowerShell Toolkit? Use the following CmdLet to identify which version you have:
PS C:\> Get-NaToolkitVersion
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
3 0 0 90
I've come accross this memory error issue before and found that newer versions of the toolkit have a "-Terse" paramater associated with the "Get-NaVol" CmdLet which prevents the CmdLet querying each volume object for all of it's properties (which tends to result in a out-of-memory error on systems with a large number of volumes). See:
PS C:\> Get-help Get-NaVol -full
Get volume status.
Get-NaVol [[-Name] <String[]>] [-Aggregate <String>] [-Terse] [-Controller <NaController>] [<CommonParameters>]
If specified, omit retrieving some volume attributes, including "RaidGroups" in the "Plexes" array, "SnapAutoDelete", and "AutoSize". Use wh
en retrieving a large number of volumes and these attributes are not necessary.
Hope that helps
Thank You all for your valuable suggestions on this. In my case the issue was with the memory of the server, which was overloaded. I ran the script on a server which has sufficient memory (RAM) and it worked fine.
However, all your suggestions are valuable and have made a note of them to use them when in need. Happy New Year..!!
Best Regards,
Krishna Kishore Govada.