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Get-NaVolSpace returns an error (Data ONTAP 7.3.7 - Toolkit v3.0.0)
08:21 AM
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Trying to get total, used, avail. for Snapshots (like I can with 'df')
/vol/NJTRDNS02_volT/ | 80GB | 21GB | 58GB | 27% /vol/NJTRDNS02_volT/ |
snap reserve | 20GB | 30MB | 19GB | 0% /vol/NJTRDNS02_volT/.. |
I have tried most of the Get-NaVol* and Get-NaSnapshot* cmdlets with success. However, the Get-NaVolSpace returns an error each time.
Any suggestions?
Here is what I've tried...
Import-Module DataONTAP
Get-Module DataONTAP
$Cred = Get-Credential domain\userID
$objNaController = Connect-NaController -Name filer1 -Credential $Cred
PS C:\> Get-NaVol -Name NJTRDNS02_volT -Controller $objNaController
Name State TotalSize Used Available Dedupe FilesUsed FilesTotal Aggregate
---- ----- --------- ---- --------- ------ --------- ---------- ---------
NJTRDNS02_volT online 80.0 GB 27% 58.6 GB False 8k 3M aggr1
PS C:\> Get-NaSnapshotReserve -TargetName NJTRDNS02_volT -TargetType volume -Controller $objNaController |FL
Name : NJTRDNS02_volT
Percentage : 20
Size : 21474836480
PS C:\> Get-NaSnapshotVolumeSpace -TargetName NJTRDNS02_volT -Controller $objNaController |FL
SizeAvailable : 84345376768
PS C:\> Get-NaSnapshotSchedule -TargetName NJTRDNS02_volT -Controller $objNaController |FL
Volume : NJTRDNS02_volT
Weeks : 0
Days : 2
Hours : 6
Minutes : 0
WhichHours : 8,12,16,20
WhichMinutes :
PS C:\> Get-NaVolSpace -Name NJTRDNS02_volT -Controller $objNaController
Get-NaVolSpace : Unable to find API: volume-space-list-info-iter-start
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-NaVolSpace -Name NJTRDNS02_volT -Controller $objNaController
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (filer1:NaController) [Get-NaVolSpace], EAPINOTFOUND
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ApiException,DataONTAP.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Volume.GetNaVolSpace
Dismount-NaController -Name filer1
Remove-Module DataONTAP
Solved! See The Solution
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The "unable to find API" error indicates that the API the cmdlet is calling is not available on your version of Data ONTAP. The Get-NaVolSpace cmdlet uses the API volume-space-list-info-iter-start/next/end (you can find this information through Get-NaCommand) which is first available on Data ONTAP 8.2.
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Ok, let's see if I can help out..
First, let's cover the basics
With powershell 3.0 and the latest data ontap, you don't need to load the module everytime.
Also, once you import the module, i'm not sure why you are running get-module.
Also, once you connect to the controller you don't need to keep trying -controller $controllername, That's a waste
Also for password, i tend to use prompted value
## Define Global PWD
$password = read-host "Enter Root password" -assecurestring
#$password = ConvertTo-SecureString "*" -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList "root",$password
So, let's see you connect to controller
$c = connect-nacontroller $controllername -cred $cred
Now run something like this
get-navol | ? {$_.raidstatus -notmatch "read-only"} | ? {$_.state -eq "online"} | ? {$_.name -ne "vol0"} | Select Name,@{N="Snapshot %";E={ Convertto-formattednumber $_.snapshotpercentreserved percent}},@{N="Snap used";E={ convertto-formattednumber ((get-naefficiency $_.name).snapusage).used datasize "0.0"}}`
,@{N="Total Snap Space";E={ convertto-formattednumber (get-nasnapshotreserve $_.name).size datasize "0.0"}}`
,@{N="Snap schedule";E={'{0} Weeks {1} Days, {2} Hours, {3} Minutes' -f (Get-NaSnapshotSchedule $_.name).weeks, (Get-NaSnapshotSchedule $_.name).days,(Get-NaSnapshotSchedule $_.name).hours,(Get-NaSnapshotSchedule $_.name).minutes}} | ft -autosize
If you want to export it you. I tend to work in objects so i would have done it even differently, but i figured i would help you out and get started
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Also, if you want to add the volume size and used to it, just try to follow what I did for you
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Thanks for the very quick response.
The purpose of those commands (in my list) was only to show the community that all other NetApp CmdLets are working correctly except for "Get-NaVolSpace".
I wasn't displaying a script, just a bunch of commands that I may run individually, depending on what I am looking for.
Your examples, although valuable, do not really get to the purpose of my inquiry.
As you can see, I do get the credentials and store in a variable and I do the same with the controller.
However, I can not get the "Get-NaVolSpace" CmdLet to work.
I just upgraded my Toolkit to the latest version (
I am running PowerShell v4
My version of OnTap is 7.3.7
I was just checking with the community to see if anyone else has experienced this problem with "Get-NaVolSpace". If they did or didn't, I'd like to know the versions of everything they are running to see if this is something specific to a version of PowerSheel, OnTap, or the Toolkit.
Thanks again !!!
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The "unable to find API" error indicates that the API the cmdlet is calling is not available on your version of Data ONTAP. The Get-NaVolSpace cmdlet uses the API volume-space-list-info-iter-start/next/end (you can find this information through Get-NaCommand) which is first available on Data ONTAP 8.2.
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Thanks so much. That is the answer I was looking for.
I guess I will have to upgrade to Data ONTAP 8.2 in order to use this command.
I really appreciated your quick response !!!
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Wow, I read that wrong.. i thought you needed helping putting together something... Well, hope it's useful