Microsoft Virtualization Discussions

Get-Ncvol,Remove-Ncvol,Set-Ncvol from a file


Hi NetApp Admins, I am new to Netapp powershell and i has this confusion


volumes12.txt contains list of volumes 

foreach( $vol in Get-Content ".\volumes12.txt") {


Get-NcVol $vol -Verbose

Set-Ncvol $vol 




None of the above commands seems to work,


whereas if i do this through an array it works.


$volumelist = get-ncvol -Name *sqlvol1* | Select-Object $_.Volume
ForEach ($vol in $volumelist)

Set-NcVol $vol -Offline -Verbose


at present i have lots of offline volumes in a text file, i want to to remove/destroy the volumes by reading that file



The first error you're getting is because the value of $filename is invalid.  The value of the $filename variable should be either a canonical or relative path + filename for the text file which contains the volume names.  For example, here's how I generated my test volume list:


# get 10 random, volumes which are not node or SVM root volumes
$volumes = Get-NcVserver $svmName | Get-NcVol -Attributes @{} -Query @{ VolumeStateAttributes = @{ IsNodeRoot = $false; IsVserverRoot = $false } } | Get-Random -Count 10 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Out-File ./volumes.txt $volumes | Out-File "C:\Users\asulliva\Documents\volumes.txt"

The result looks like this:


2018-04-12 09_35_19-Windows PowerShell ISE.png


From there, I simply execute the code from above:


Get-Content ./volumes.txt | %{
    Get-NcVol -Vserver $svmName -Name $_.Trim()

Resulting in...


2018-04-12 09_40_48-Windows PowerShell ISE.png


The second "error", or rather lack of correct output, is because you aren't using the trim function on the string being read from the file.



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View solution in original post



All those cmdlets take pipeline input


so for example



get-ncvol -Name *sqlvol1 | set-ncvol -offline | remove-ncvol -confirm:$false


Your code doesn't work below and is confusing.. The above line will do the trick, and you don't need the vols in a file if you know the pattern


If you have the vols in a file like this


$vols = gc filenameofvols.txt

connect-nccontroller $controller -cred $cred


$vols | % {

get-ncvol $_  | set-ncvol -offline | remove-ncvol -confirm:$false





Hi @SaravanaPandi,


Can you elaborate on what you're trying to do with the volumes?  It appears that you're issuing the Set-NcVol cmdlet with no options beyond the volume name, which won't result in any action.


Beyond that, as @JGPSHNTAP mentioned, there are some things you can do to optimize the code and/or make it more PowerShell-like.  The pipeline is super helpful for these types of operations...


Also, you'll want to make sure to specify the SVM name when querying the cluster for volumes.  The SVM is like a namespace, so it's possible to have multiple volumes that have the same name in different SVMs.  Using the cmdlet with just the volume name would return all instances.



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@JGPSHNTAP@asulliva - I skipped the setting up the  svm part, its not possible to offline the volume unless  we specify svm or set the svm property in the current controller context.


I wanted to do the offline the volumes the first day, and store the same offline volumes(which i did manually) in a text file(as backup, recording purposes) and remove the same volumes few days later from the file(offline volumes) as input.


Pipeline commands will be useful, but it will destroy the volume, and its difficult to get the volume back, 


It looks like a long process instead of simple one, but incase, we offlined one of the volumes incorrectly, just in case few days we can simply enable the volume back.


The reason is i may have 20 offline(which i did) volumes in the first day , may have 30 offline volumes(another storage admin might have offlined 10 more volumes) in the thirdday. wanted to destory only the 20 volumes volumes which i did offline, not someone else even if its a same pattern. That's why i wanted to use file as input




$vols1 = gc ".\volumes15.txt" 

$vols1 | % {get-ncvol $_}


or $vols1 = gc ".\volumes15.txt" foreach ($vol in $vols1) { get-ncvol $vol}


gives the same result, its reads only the end of the file, for example if i have 3 volumes its acts only on the the last line/3rd volume 


$vols1 = gc ".\volumes15.txt" 

$vols1 | % {get-ncvol $_}


or $vols1 = gc ".\volumes15.txt" foreach ($vol in $vols1) { get-ncvol $vol}


gives the same result, its reads only the end of the file, for example if i have 3 volumes its acts only on the the last line/3rd volume 



That's impossible.  Post your file


@JGPSHNTAP @asulliva


Thanks for your followup


Import-Module Dataontap

$ctrl = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter your controller name!"
Connect-NcController $ctrl
$svm= Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter your svm!"
$global:CurrentNcController.Vserver = $svm

$vols12 = gc ".\volumes15.txt"

ForEach ($vol1 in $vols12)
#Ignore the errors
#Write-Host $vol1
Get-NcVol -Name $vol1 -verbose -> This one did not show any error.or output 
# Set-NcVol $vol1 -Offline -Confirm -> Tried this one. apparently it looks like the ncvol commands have difficult in parsing the volumes one by one.

write-host $vol1 -> Displays the volumes properly.



Volumes in the text file.






Below is the error for Set-Ncvol ,




Set-NcVol : Invalid character ' ' in volume name. It can have '_' and alphanumeric characters.


+ Set-NcVol $vol1 -Offline -Confirm
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: [Set-NcVol], EAPIERROR
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ApiException,DataONTAP.C.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Volume.SetNcVol


Getting the same error for toolkit version 4.2 and 4.3 as well.




It seems that the Get-Content cmdlet is padding out each line to be the same length which is what's causing them to not work when iterating over the values in the resulting array.  This works for me:


Get-Content $filename | %{
    Get-NcVol -Vserver $svmName -Name ($_.Trim())

I simply added the ".Trim()" function call to the string object.


Hope that helps.



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@asulliva Thats true. i opened the file in a spread sheet and saved again as a msdos file, it worked once. Again the get-content cmdlet didn't work.


Get-Content : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is an empty string.
At line:3 char:13
+ Get-Content $filename | %{
+ ~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Get-Content], ParameterBindingValidationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorEmptyStringNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetContentCommand


$filename contains $filename = Get-Content .\volumes.txt, its a simple text file with two volumes listed one by one


throws above error if i tried the script mentioned by you.



I tried like below.


$volumes = get-content .\volumes1.txt (original file volumes.txt)
ForEach ($vol in $volumes)
Get-NcVol $vol -verbose


volumes.txt has 70 kb( 2 volume names) open this in a excel save as in msdos text file and save it as volumes1.txt, the file size changes. also the get-ncvol reads only 2 lines in the text file volumes1.txt as it supposed to.

where as if i keep the volumes.txt as input it reads the two lines as well displays all volumes like a plain get-ncvol


The first error you're getting is because the value of $filename is invalid.  The value of the $filename variable should be either a canonical or relative path + filename for the text file which contains the volume names.  For example, here's how I generated my test volume list:


# get 10 random, volumes which are not node or SVM root volumes
$volumes = Get-NcVserver $svmName | Get-NcVol -Attributes @{} -Query @{ VolumeStateAttributes = @{ IsNodeRoot = $false; IsVserverRoot = $false } } | Get-Random -Count 10 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name | Out-File ./volumes.txt $volumes | Out-File "C:\Users\asulliva\Documents\volumes.txt"

The result looks like this:


2018-04-12 09_35_19-Windows PowerShell ISE.png


From there, I simply execute the code from above:


Get-Content ./volumes.txt | %{
    Get-NcVol -Vserver $svmName -Name $_.Trim()

Resulting in...


2018-04-12 09_40_48-Windows PowerShell ISE.png


The second "error", or rather lack of correct output, is because you aren't using the trim function on the string being read from the file.



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@asulliva Thank you , thanks for the hashtable example,  was using Initialize-NcObjectProperty


In Ontap 9, destroying a volume isn't that bad anymore.  They have created a recovery que.  We adjust all our SVM's to 168hours, and we don't purge the recovery queue unless we are doing testing.


I would look into that because you are doing lots of extra work.


Also, powershell is super flexible, you can code whatever you want and how you want... 
