Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Hi everybody.
My boss asked me to frequently create some excelsheets containing some statistics about our Netappenvironment.
I played around with Powershell and found some usefull scripts that helped me to create cool Excelsheets.
One thing i dont find a solution for, maybe someone has an idea:
My boss needs a list of all the volumes on a filer and -if exists- the destination of the snapmirrors.
If i use "Get-NaSnapMirror" i dont see the Volumes that are not mirrored.
Any ideas?
Thanx in advance
That's some pretty basic stuff.. Do a search for some of my scripts that I posted to the community. I think there is a snapmirror one out there. and it can easily be ported to excel
congratulations that you have lots of experiences with poweshell.
I do not.
And sorry, I did not find yet what i am looking for, even I did search BEFORE i posted this question.
Anyone else some ideas?
This should get your started
gc $hostfile | % {
$Filer = $_
Write-host "connecting to Filer: " $filer
$C = Connect-NaController $filer
$snapMirrors = Get-NaSnapmirror | Where-Object {$_.lagTime -gt $lagtimeseconds}
if ($snapMirrors -ne $null)
$snapMirrors | ft @{expression={$_.sourcelocation};Label="Source";Width=20}`
,@{expression={$_.destinationlocation};Label="Destination Location";Width=20} `
,@{expression={$_.status};Label="Status";Width=20} `
,@{N='Current Lag Time';E={'{0} hrs, {1} mins, {2} secs' -f $_.LagTimeTS.Hours, $_.LagTimeTS.Minutes, $_.LagTimeTS.Seconds}} `
,@{expression={ConvertTo-FormattedNumber $_.transferprogress DataSize "0.0"};Label="Current Progress";Width=20} `
,@{expression={ConvertTo-FormattedNumber $_.lasttransfersize Datasize "0.0"};Label="Last Transfer size";Width=20} `
,@{N='Last Transfer Time';E={'{0} hrs, {1} mins, {2} secs' -f $_.LastTransferDurationTS.Hours, $_.LastTransferDurationTS.Minutes, $_.LastTransferDurationTS.Seconds}} `
-groupby @{expression={$C};Label="Filer"} -autosize | Out-String -Width 1000 | Out-File $totaloutfile -append #;Width=10} -autosize
} else {
write-host "Filer: " $filer " Does not have any lag"
## Send Email
## Send Email
if ((gc $totaloutfile) -eq $null )
Send-MailMessage -To $recipients -From $sendMailAs -Subject $subjectLine -Body "There is currently no Snapmirror Lag over 24hours " -Priority $priority -SmtpServer $smtpServer
Send-MailMessage -To $recipients -From $sendMailAs -Subject $subjectLine -Attachments $totaloutfile -body $mailMessage -Priority $priority -SmtpServer $smtpServer
Thank you very much, JGPSHNTAP !