Have you tried using "Get-NaCifsShareAcl | select ShareName -ExpandProperty UserAclInfo"?
Here is an example script using this:
if ($args.length -eq 0)
Write-Host `n"This script use NetApp PowerShell Toolkit to get NetApp cifs share ACL details." `n"Use with a serverlist."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red `n"Ex. .\ListNetAppSharesAcl.ps1 c:\temp\srvlist.txt", `n"Or .\ListNetAppSharesAcl.ps1 c:\temp\srvlist.txt | out-file c:\temp\result.txt"`n
$computerlist = $args[0]
foreach ($compname in get-content $computerlist)
Connect-NaController $compname | Write-Host
if ($errs.Count -eq 0)
$collShares = Get-NaCifsShareAcl | select ShareName -ExpandProperty UserAclInfo
if ($errs.Count -eq 0)
foreach ($Share in $collShares)
$errString = $compname +" -- No result from Get-NaCifsShareAcl"
write-host $errString
$errString = $compname +" -- Cannot connect to NetApp"
write-host $errString