Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
I am kind of new to Powershell scripting using DataOnTape modules. One of scripts has this line at very beginning.
Import-module DataOnTap
Could you please tell me how this "import-module" can find "DataOnTap" on the server, and load in for the execution? Also, how to appropriately implement NetApp modules on the server?
I assume this module will be loading functions. One of functions I assume is "Connect-nacontroller", since it is in the script.
Thanks you!
Solved! See The Solution
Hi netappmagic,
Have a look at this thread, it gives you a tip regarding the import module dataontap
For complete info about this, refer the document which i have attached.
Hope it may help you,
Hi netappmagic,
Have a look at this thread, it gives you a tip regarding the import module dataontap
For complete info about this, refer the document which i have attached.
Hope it may help you,
Thanks for your message.
It seems that you attached a document about DR. Could you try it again?
Could you please tell me what is wrong with the following? It is from the attached document. It is complaining about missing "}". However, if I add "}" in the end, still the same. I could get solve it myself. Thanks!
PowerShell Prompt> $LUNList=Get-NaLun; ForEach ($Lun in $LUNList) { if ($LUN.Mapped)
{# since that returns a True/False, don’t need to compare}
Else {Write-Host "LUN Name ="$LUN.Path}
Have you tried this ?
PowerShell prompt>
ForEach ($LUN in $LUNList)
if ($LUN.Mapped)
# Since that returns a True/False, don’t need to compare
Write-Host “LUN Name =”$LUN.path
Yes, It works if using your way. However, why one line is not working. It should work as well as the document said it should.