Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
My boss wanted information about the total capacity of each of our volumes(So including snapshot reserve) along with used space and available. I was going to use get-navol but i noticed this only gives the usable space of the volume not the true total. So i hacked together this script using both get-navol and get-navolsize cmd-let to get what i needed. This is my second script i have ever wrote in PowerShell so i am sure i did a several things wrong but i was able to get the results i wanted. It just seems like it should have been less work and a better way of doing this.
param([string]$paNetAppHost, [string]$pausername)
Import-module DataOnTap
$PathtoCSV = "C:\NetappTotalVolume.csv"
#Connect to filer
Connect-NAController $paNetAppHost–cred $pausername
$allvolumesnames = get-navol | Select-Object Name,Available
#set headers of CSV file
"VolumeName,Available Space(GB),Used Space(GB),Total Volume Space(GB)" > $PathtoCSV
foreach ($netapp_vol in $allvolumesnames) {
$CurrentVolname = $
$VolumesAvailable = $netapp_vol.available
$VolumeSizeTotal = get-navolsize -name $CurrentVolname | Select-Object -ExpandProperty VolumeSize
#Convert to GB
$VolumeAvailable1GB = ($VolumesAvailable / 1GB)
$VolumeSizeTotal1GB = ($VolumeSizeTotal / 1GB)
#Calc usedspace
$VolumeUsedSpace1GB = $VolumeSizeTotal1GB - $VolumeAvailable1GB
#Create/add to CSV file
$Combine = $CurrentVolname,$VolumeAvailable1GB,$VolumeUsedSpace1GB,$VolumeSizeTotal1GB
$Combine -join "," >> $PathtoCSV
Solved! See The Solution
Hi Tony,
Can you try running this command and check if it serves your purpose? Just Copy Paste the entire snippet below to your powershell console.
Get-NaVol | Select @{Name="VolumeName";Expression={$}},@{Name="TotalSize(GB)";Expression={[math]::Round([decimal]$_.SizeTotal/1gb,2)}}`
You can also affix an | Export-CSV to this cnippet to export it to a csv file.
Hi Tony,
Can you try running this command and check if it serves your purpose? Just Copy Paste the entire snippet below to your powershell console.
Get-NaVol | Select @{Name="VolumeName";Expression={$}},@{Name="TotalSize(GB)";Expression={[math]::Round([decimal]$_.SizeTotal/1gb,2)}}`
You can also affix an | Export-CSV to this cnippet to export it to a csv file.
It looks like i can take SnapshotPercentReserved and use that to calculate what I was looking for without having to use get-navolsize
Thank you
To get the value i wanted without using get-navolsize i added this to my script
$VolumeSizeTotal = [math]::Round([decimal]((($netapp_vol.snapshotpercentreserved * 100) * $netapp_vol.TotalSize) + $netapp_vol.TotalSize)/1gb,2)
ill have to start using hashtables on my next script
Is there a way to get the value for Snapshot copies space used?
When the explorer pops up select the cmdlets at the top of the page. There are a few commands for getting detailed snapshot information. Get-nasnapshotvolumespace may be the one you are looking for.
This gives me the total snapshot space available, I need to get the snapshot space used ?