Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Mad props to Glenn Sizemore for the foundation....
This will give me the output i want to see when i'm looking for igroups and lun mappings. The important thing here is whether or not your initiator is logged in or not. That was key for us.. FYI - you can feed a txt file full for filers if you want.
Please comment and let me know if we can improve on this.
#### Code#####
$hosts = @("filer1","filer2")
$hosts | % {
Write-Host "`n`tConnecting to Filer: $_"
$filer = $_
Write-Host "`t-------------------------------------------------------"
$c = Connect-NaController $_
$igroups = Get-NaIgroup
$LunInfo = Get-NaLun -Terse | Get-NaLunMap | Group-Object Name
foreach ($igroup in $igroups) {
Write-Host "`n`tigroup Name: " $Igroup.Name
Write-Host "`t`tOS_Type: " $Igroup.type
Write-Host "`t`tProtocol: " $Igroup.protocol
$initiators = $igroup.initiators | Select -expandproperty 'initiatorname'
$initiators | % {
$name = $_
if ($name -ne $null) {
if ((Confirm-NaLunInitiatorLoggedIn -Initiator $name) -eq $false) {
Write-Host "`t`t`tInitiator Not logged in: " $name
Write-Host "`t`t`tInitiator Logged in: " $name
Write-Host "`t`t`tNo initiators assigned to Igroup"
# Write-Host "`t`tinitiators: " $(($igroup.initiators|Select-Object -ExpandProperty InitiatorName) -join " ")
Write-Host "`t`tLuns --------------------------------------------------" #"# LUN ID LUN Path"
foreach ($lun in ($LunInfo| where {$_.Name -eq $igroup.Name} | select -ExpandProperty Group)) {
Write-Host "`t`t`tLUN:" $lun.lunID ":" $lun.path
Write-Host "`n`tEnd of Filer: $filer "
# Close
This is bad ass! anyway to expor the results to .csv?
I haven't looked at it in a while.. If I get some free time, I'll see what I can do. I'm pretty slammed these days...
It's all about creating objects and exporting them to excel.
Very good stuff! I wrote a script some time ago that does the same thing. THis can be exported to Excel:
function GetIgroupHost()
Returns the name of the Host Server mapped to the given igroup. It parses the iGroup name to get this information, and assumes the iGroup was automatically created by SnapDrive.
The iGroup object to get the host from.
$hosts = Get-NaIgroup | GetIgroupHost
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $iGroup
$hostName = ""
if ( $iGroup )
if ( ($iGroup.Name -split "\.").Count -gt 1 )
$hostName = ($iGroup.Name -split "\.")[2]
$hostName = $iGroup.Name
return $hostName
function GetConnectedController()
Returns the currently-connected controller if one exists.
if ( (Get-Variable | ? { $_.Name -ieq "global:CurrentNaController" }) -and $global:CurrentNaController )
return $global:CurrentNaController
function GetVolumes()
[Parameter(Position=0)][string] $NameFilter,
Helper function that retrieves the volumes from a NetApp controller, including any luns and mappings. Adds the following properties:
.PARAMETER Controller
If specified, then queries the given controller. Can specify either a controller name or Controller Connection (from Connect-NaController). If unspecified, then uses the currently-connected controller. If no
controller is connected, it will prompt you.
If specified, uses the given value as a regex and only returns volumes whose names match the filter.
Connect-NaController ctrl1 -RPC
GetVolumes -Controller ah-3240-1 -NameFilter monitor
$ctrlConnection = $null
if ( !$Controller )
# Controller not specified:
if ( GetConnectedController )
# Use already-connected controller:
$ctrlConnection = GetConnectedController
# Controller not specified:
$Controller = Read-Host "Specify a controller to query"
$ctrlConnection = Connect-PlexController -Controller $Controller -Passthru
# Controller specified:
if ( $Controller -is [string] )
$ctrlConnection = Connect-PlexController -Controller $Controller -Passthru -Transient
$ctrlConnection = $Controller
if ( !$ctrlConnection -or $ctrlConnection -isnot [NetApp.Ontapi.Filer.NaController] )
# No controller specified, or invalid:
throw ("You must either specify -Controller or be already connected to one before calling this function!")
$vols = Get-NaVol -Controller $ctrlConnection | ? { !$NameFilter -or $_.Name -imatch $NameFilter }
foreach ( $vol in $vols )
$luns = @(Get-NaLun -Controller $ctrlConnection -Terse -Path ("/vol/{0}/*" -f $vol.Name))
$vol | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "luns" -Value $luns
if ( $luns )
foreach ( $lun in $luns )
$maps = @($lun | Get-NaLunMap -Controller $ctrlConnection)
$lun | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "maps" -Value $maps
$lun | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name "MappedTo" -Value `
if ( $this.maps )
$this.maps | getigrouphost
$controllers = "filer1","filer2"
$vols = @()
foreach ( $ctrl in $controllers )
Connect-NaController $ctrl -RPC
$vols += GetVolumes
# Export to Excel
$vols | % { $_.Luns } | Select-Object @{"Label"="volume";"expression"={($_.path -split "/")[2]}},Path,MappedTo | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path C:\Temp\excel.csv