Desire a PowerShell equivalent of the following CLI command and/or similar.
ontap::> network connections active show -vserver myvserver -lif-name mylifname
ontap::> network connections active show ?
[ -instance | -print-ip-addresses | -fields <fieldname>, ... ]
[[-node] <nodename>] Node
[[-cid] <Cid>] Connection ID
[ -vserver <vserver> ] Vserver
[ -lif-name <lif-name> ] Logical Interface Name
[ -local-address <IP Address> ] Local IP address
[ -local-port <integer> ] Local Port
[ -remote-ip <InetAddress> ] Remote IP Address
[ -remote-host <Remote IP> ] Remote Host
[ -remote-port <integer> ] Remote Port
[ -proto {UDP|TCP} ] Protocol
[ -lifid <integer> ] Logical Interface ID
[ -service <protocol service> ] Protocol Service
[ -lru {yes|no} ] Least Recently Used
[ -blocks-lb {true|false} ] Connection Blocks Load Balance Migrate