Microsoft Virtualization Discussions

Powershell Toolkit API fails with error Cluster Admin required but cmdlet in vServer family


Hi there


We use powershell to manage volumes within a Vserver creating new clones, adding snapmirrors etc etc. We have recently decided to add the volumes into a QoS Policy Group and have amended the script to apply the relevant group when performing the volume operations.


As an Example we use New-NCVolClone to create a volume clone, and have now added the -QosPolicyGroup option to the call. this commandlet is in the Vserver family, yet after adding the above option it fails with an error [


You cannot use Quality of Service (Qos) feature in Vserver Context. Qos is available to cluster administrators only.]


Can you please clarify if this a bug in the API or documentation?


It seems strange that Qos Policy Groups are defined and applied at the Vserver level, but volumes cannot be added to the group by the Vserver admin via a normally successful api call


Thank you



just to add from further testing NC-NewVol and NC-NewVolclone both fail with the error defined, but update-NCvol does not report an error, but fails to assign the required QoS  policy provided in the VolumeQosAttributes


So appears to be an inconsistent approach to this

