I want to do this:
$tmpShares = Get-NaCifsShare | Where-Object {$_.MountPoint -like "/vol/MyVol/*"}
$tmpShares | Remove-NaCifsShare
..do some magic with the volume, and then..
$tmpShares | Add-NaCifsShare
Remove-NaCifsShare works fine, but Add-NaCifsShare wont take this object as input from the pipe.
It works if I do a lot of "Select-Object @{Name="Path";Expression={$_."MountPoint"}}" stuff, but should
it be necessary to do a lot of parameter renaming on these? (I think not).
I know I also need to preserve and restore the ACL's with Get-NaCifsShareAcl, Set-NaCifsShareAcl, but they seems
to be "compatible" (I'll be happy if someone has a more elegant way of doing this procedure:)