Hi All,
I'm having issues similar to other people with the discovery of OnTap devices in SCOM 2012.
Basically, we're using SCOM 2012 SP1 UR2 with IBM NSeries N5600's, N6040's and N6210's and monitoring them using the OnCommand 3.2 SCOM plugin.
We have a number of SCOM management servers in our setup:
1 resource pool (2 servers SCOM01 and SCOM02) for windows and linux monitoring
1 resource pool (2 servers SCOM03 and SCOM04) for Network device monitoring
1 resource pool (1 Server SCOM07) for RMS emulator dependant or vendor specific monitoring
1 resource pool (2 Servers SCOM09 and SCOM10) for Notifications
I am installing the OnComand SCOM monitoring software on the RMS Emulator server SCOM07.
I am targetting the "Discovered Inventory" view to "Management Server" only, and selecting SCOM07 and picking "Add Controller" from the Data ontap controller tasks.
I am adding the Nseries controllers to be managed by this server (SCOM07)
I am targetting the "Discovered Inventory" view to "Management Server" only, and selecting SCOM07 and picking "Manage controller credentials" from the Data ontap controller tasks.
I am entering the correct controller credentials (https), which are being accepted with a green tick
I am overriding the OnTap Discovery rule (which is DISABLED by default) to be enabled ONLY for SCOM07
I am targetting the "Discovered Inventory" view to "Management Server" only, and selecting SCOM07 and picking "Run Discovery Task" from the Data ontap controller tasks.
I am running the discovery from the management server SCOM07.
All is initially discovered perfectly. I can see all as expected, including all SnapMirrors. All the management servers are still green and healthy.
However, after about 24 hours, Management servers which are not related to the monitoring start reporting:
"Failed accessing windows event log"
The Windows Event Log Provider is still unable to open the OnCommand event log on computer xxx
The discovery appears to be always looking for SnapMirror discovery data:
< DataItem type =" System.XmlData " time =" 2013-08-15T01:28:44.0970808+01:00 " sourceHealthServiceId =" 6629FE8A-00A9-231D-E2A1-F675865B783D " >
< EventData >
< Data > MGMT_SCOM </ Data >
< Data > DataONTAP.SnapMirror.Status.Monitor </ Data >
< Data > SnapMirror Source: vmwa-vfs-cs1:vmware01_a to Destination:vmwb-vfs-cs2:vmware01_b </ Data >
< Data > {F6FEF189-CA02-D173-64D0-476AF2EAA99B} </ Data >
< Data > OnCommand </ Data >
< Data > The specified channel could not be found. Check channel configuration. </ Data >
< Data > scom03.fqdn </ Data >
</ EventData >
</ DataItem >
Basically, the discovery is now attempting to run on SCOM03, SCOM04, SCOM09 and SCOM10!!
The OnTap Discovery rule IS only targetted on one Management server- SCOM07, and it's disabled by default - so how else is it running on the other managemet servers??