Microsoft Virtualization Discussions

SCVMM 2012 SP1 and SMI-S 4.1 Questions


I am currently working on a Cloud project involving Microsoft Hyper-V and Citrix technologies for a customer.

SCVMM 2012 SP1 and Windows Server 2012 will be used.

I have been through technical report (System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 and NetApp Data ONTAP SMI-S Agent - TR-3874) and SMI-S 4.1 admin docs but unfortunately I still have some questions.

My customer will use Vfilers in order to have a multi-tenant environment (1 tenant = 1 vfiler = 1 customer)

·         Does SMI-S recognizes a Vfiler like any regular controller?

On the provisioning side, aggregates are added in SCVMM in defined specific service levels. When provisioning is performed by SCVMM, LUNs are created in a choosen aggregate based on service level the aggregate belongs to.

  • Does it involves a volume creation each time a lun is created ?
  • Which naming convention is enforced, for both LUN and volumes (or Qtree if any is created)?
  • What are the volume options used ? Is there a way to change them ?
  • Can we use already defined volumes (I guess the answer is NO, since only aggregates are added to the service levels storage pools)
  • Does it works for Vfilers ? (again, I guess the answer is NO since Vfilers cannot create their own volumes).

Any help will be very appreciated.




SMI-S does not currently support Vfilers in ONTAP. With the move to Clustered ONTAP we will support Vservers in our upcoming release. There are no current plans to support Vfilers in the future.


Vfilers are not supported in SMI-S Agent 4.1.

On the provisioning side, aggregates are added in SCVMM in defined specific service levels. When provisioning is performed by SCVMM,

LUNs are created in a choosen aggregate based on service level the aggregate belongs to.

  • Does it involves a volume creation each time a lun is created ?

Yes. If you specfiy the volume name in the lun path, lun will be created in the specified volume.

  • Which naming convention is enforced, for both LUN and volumes (or Qtree if any is created)?

lun<number> or vol<number>. number increases sequentially.

  • What are the volume options used ? Is there a way to change them ?

We don't use any volume options.

  • Can we use already defined volumes (I guess the answer is NO, since only aggregates are added to the service levels storage pools)

Yes. Specify the lun name as /vol/<vol_name>/<lun_name> to create the lun in the existing volume.

If you specify just the lun name without vol-name, we will create a new volume automatically.

  • Does it works for Vfilers ? (again, I guess the answer is NO since Vfilers cannot create their own volumes).




I actually implement a large Hyper-V 2012 + SCVMM 2012 SP1.

I installed the SMI-S 4.1 agent with SCMM and create some LUNS...

I'm very surprized by some settings.

  • The volumes are configured with scheduled Snapshots (AFAIK, not a best practice for FC luns).
  • The volume is twice the size of the Lun (why ?)
  • The volume reserve is 5% (waste of space if no snap)
  • The initiators groups are created under a generic name forged with the date (why ?)
  • The initiator group are created with a "Windows" instead of a "Hyper-V" Type.

Does this is VMM related ?

Enlightment are welcome.

