I REALLY, REALLY recommend that you install VSC (Virtual Storage Console) instead of just SMVI. This installs on the vCenter server as a plugin and is extremely intuitive to use. This incorporates both RCU (Rapid Clone Util) and SMVI. Once installed, you literally right click on the vm or cluster or the datacenter to clone, backup/restore...it's AWESOME!
My question to you, do you have multiple vCenter servers? Depending on how complex your network is, you usually only need one. Add in all your ESX servers both at the primary and DR site. Do you plan to backup and restore at the DR? If so, yes SMVI needs to be purchased at the DR site. Other wise if your, just cloning from there...you only need flexclone. Either way, install VSC and uncheck which option (SMVI or RCU) applies. VSC is available on the NOW site to download.