Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
I see a peculiar issue. Please have a look at the code snippet that I have in my script to create vfilers... the code runs fine on 7.3x but throws up errors on 8.0.1 7-mode
Set-NaCifsShareAcl C$ $VFname\administrator -AccessRights "Full Control"
Remove-NaCifsShareAcl vol0$ everyone
Here are the errors that I get on 8.0.1 7-mode
Set-NaCifsShareAcl : Unable to find API: cifs-share-ace-set
At C:\vFilerCreate\vFilerCreate.ps1:109 char:20
+ Set-NaCifsShareAcl <<<< C$ $VFname\administrator -AccessRights "Full Control"
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ( [Set-NaCifsShareAcl], EAPINOTFOUND
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ApiException,DataONTAP.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Cifs.SetNaCifsShareAcl
Remove-NaCifsShareAcl : Unable to find API: cifs-share-ace-delete
At C:\vFilerCreate\vFilerCreate.ps1:110 char:23
+ Remove-NaCifsShareAcl <<<< vol0$ everyone
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ( [Remove-NaCifsShareAcl], EAPINOTFOUND
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ApiException,DataONTAP.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Cifs.RemoveNaCifsShareAcl
If someone has any insight into this I'd appreciate it.
Another peculiar issues is the error I get when I set the following option (real IPs masked below)...
Set-NaOption cifs.wins_servers ",yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy"
it gives me the following error but it does set the option successfully...
Set-NaOption : Option is not visible: cifs.wins_servers
At C:\vFilerCreate\vFilerCreate.ps1:120 char:14
+ Set-NaOption <<<< cifs.wins_servers ",yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy"
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: ( [Set-NaOption], EONTAPI_ENOENT
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ApiException,DataONTAP.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.Options.SetNaOption
If someone has any insight into this I'd appreciate it.
Hello, Mayur. The CIFS share ACL APIs are not available in 8.0.x, but they are in 8.1. I believe the cifs.wins_servers issue is a Data ONTAP bug. As long as it is setting the option, you may wish to ignore the error by appending '-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue'.
Thank you for the quick response...
In that case... what are my options for working with ACLs on 8.0.x ?
I find it puzzling that I have that functionality in 7.3x but lose that in a newer version of OnTAP 😞
Yes, I did set the option of 'ErrorAction' for wins servers... Thank You
Hey Mayur,
Unfortunatly you've run into one of the inconsistencies between Data ONTAP 8.x 7-Mode and Data ONTAP 7.3.x. Until the cifs-share-ace-* API's are implemented in 8.x 7-mode, you'll have to use cli commands and the Invoke-NaSSH cmdlet to manipulate Cifs ACL's.