Microsoft Virtualization Discussions

SharePoint Framework Helper


Hi Friends,We are now working on the client side web-parts and and have to look for the documents to get help for many of the work that we do and looses much of the time googling.


The only thing you need to do is,


  • getInstance - returns the instance of the class.
  • logDebug - logs the debug info in the SharePoint list
  • getInstance - returns the instance of the class
  • getListByTitle - returns the list by title
  • createList - creates the list
  • getListItemsByQuery - get the list items based on the query parameter
  • getListItemByID - get the list item based on the item ID
  • getListItems - returns all the list items based on the row count. If row count is not provided will return max
  • createListItem - creates the list itme
  • createFolderInDocLib - creates the folder in the document library
  • createFolderInList - creates the folder in the list
  • updateListItem - updates the list item
  • getListMetadata - returns the list metadata required to create the list
  • getListsDetailsByBaseTemplateID - Returns the lists based on the template ID
  • getContentTypesByList - returns the content types associated with the list
  • getViewsByList - return the view associated with the list
  • isStringNullOrEmpy - checks for the string null
  • isNull - check for the object null
  • getFieldInternalName - returns the internal name of the field (removes the _x0020_)
  • getParameterValue - returns the parameter value from URL
  • getInstance - returns the instance of the class to access the methods
  • addFieldToView - adds the field to the view in the list
  • getFieldByView - returns the field details by view
  • getFieldByList - returns the field details from the list
  • addSiteColumnToList - adds the site column to the list
  • createSiteColumn - creates the site column
  • getFieldBySite - returns the fields details of the site column
  • getColumnMetadata - returns the column metadata required for the creation of the column
  • addColumnToList - add the column to the list
  • getFieldsByList - returns all the fields associated with the list
  • getFieldsByView - returns all the fields associated with view in a list
  • getInstance - returns the instance of the class to access the methods
  • getDocIconByFiles - returns the doc icons for the corresponding files
  • queryGETResquest - method to query any custom query with 'GET' verb
  • queryPOSTRequest - method to query any custom query with 'POST' verb
  • queryMERGERequest - method to query any custom query with 'MERGE' verb
  • queryPATCHRequest - method to query any custom query with 'PATCH' verb
  • oSPBatch
  • getBatchGETRequest
  • getBatchPOSTRequest
  • SPHttpClientResponseToSPBaseResponse


The only thing you need to do is to call the getInstance() method to get the object of the class and then call the methods as you want.

SPLogger- This class is helpful in logging if any of the issues are found. For now the list in the working directory in SharePoint with the following information

  • List Name- Error Logs
  • Required Columns- Title (default), Error Type (Choice field- ERROR, DEBUG, INFO), Error Description (Multiple line of text)

Following methods are contained in this class,

SPListOperations - This class is responsible for all the list based operations. Following are the methods contained in this class

SPHelperCommon - This class contains the most common methods. Following are the methods contained in this class-

SPFieldOperations - This class is responsible for all the field based operations. Following methods are contained in this class-

SPCommonOperations - This class is responsible for all the common operations in SharePoint. Following are the methods contained in this class-

SPBatchOperations - This class is responsible for batch operations in SharePoint Framework. Following are the methods contained in this class


Well and Clear Explanation For SharePoint Framework Helper Thanks 🙂

View solution in original post


Well and Clear Explanation For SharePoint Framework Helper Thanks 🙂