Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
The NetApp that I am running this against has a single spare in it. Why does this command not return any data? It works accurately when I run it against systems with more spares. I don't think is a zero based issue because the count is accurate on all our other systems.
(Get-NaDisk -controller $controller | Where-Object {$_.status -eq 'spare'}).count
Solved! See The Solution
OK, try this:
PS C:\> Get-NaDisk -controller $controller | Where-Object {$_.status -eq 'spare'} | Measure-Object
Count : 151
Average :
Sum :
Maximum :
Minimum :
Property :
You might also try Confirm-NaAggrSpareLow to quickly find systems with insufficient spares.
What is the reported status for the disk you know to be a spare?
Here is the results of the Get-NaDisk;
PS C:\Scripts> Get-NaDisk | Where-Object {$_.status -eq 'spare'}
Name Shelf Bay Status UsedSpace PhysSpace RPM FW Model Pool Aggregate
---- ----- --- ------ --------- --------- --- -- ----- ---- ---------
0b.22 1 6 spare 266 GB 268 GB 10k NA03 X276_HPYTA288F10 0
OK, try this:
PS C:\> Get-NaDisk -controller $controller | Where-Object {$_.status -eq 'spare'} | Measure-Object
Count : 151
Average :
Sum :
Maximum :
Minimum :
Property :
You might also try Confirm-NaAggrSpareLow to quickly find systems with insufficient spares.
That provides the correct result. What's the difference between the commands?
Since you only have one spare, PowerShell treats the output as a single object rather than a collection, so there isn't a "count" method. Measure-Object is a great way to count or otherwise measure the object(s) piped into it.
I thought I'd share what I finished with. I doubt the drive count is the most elegant solution but it works for me. I wanted to loop through the filers and get a count of all the spares on each system. Here is the code;
$xmldata = [xml](get-content c:\scripts\data_files\netapps.xml)
$filers = $xmldata.netapps.filer | select name
foreach ($a in $filers)
trap{"Error connection to " + $a.NAME}
$controller = Connect-NaController $a.NAME
Write-Host $controller, (Get-NaDisk -controller $controller | Where-Object {$_.status -eq 'spare'} | Measure-Object).count
Nice toolkit usage!
Another trick I use for disk inventory is using Group-Object (aka group) cmdlet:
PS C:\> get-nadisk | group Status | ft Name, Count -auto
Name Count
---- -----
partner 207
dparity 2
spare 151
parity 5
data 25